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Friday, June 08, 2018

Teamsters: 260k UPS Workers ready to strike

United Parcel Service workers have given their union the go-ahead to call a strike in what would be their first walkout in decades. The vote gives union negotiators more sway in contract talks with the shipping giant.

The tally released by the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Tuesday night had 93 percent of UPS members endorsing the authorization and 91 percent of UPS freight employees backing the measure. A national pact with the union covers about 260,000 UPS workers, and the current contract expires July 31.

The members' vote "gives the negotiating committees bargaining leverage this week and during subsequent negotiations for the national contract and the supplements," Denis Taylor, a Teamsters director and co-chairman of the bargaining committee said in a statement.

"UPS is confident in our ability to reach an agreement," a company spokesperson responded in an email. "Strike authorization votes do not mean a strike is imminent. The reality is that UPS and the Teamsters have already reached tentative agreements, subject to ratification, on a wide variety of non-economic issues."



  1. Now we will see just how skewed the USPS business model has been.

  2. Fedex is union free. We don't use UPS.

  3. Yes, same here 3:22 the union will really be helping FedEx...bet they are getting ready to gear up right now!

  4. DON'T do it. You'll just hurt yourselves. The teamsters aren't run by the workingman. They are run by LIBUTARDS who haven't worked a day in their worthless lives.

  5. As corrupt as the Unions are now we have to remember that without them there would have been no blue collar middle class, which is gone now , no safety regulations or benefits or pensions, nor the spending power that fueled our post war economy.


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