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Monday, June 18, 2018

New World Order at about 16 min...


  1. Obama sure had America on track and this was well on the way. Hillary would have sealed the deal and America and it's citizens would have been none the wiser.

    Yes; many of us knew this was happening, BUT Most did not. Thank God for President Trump. We are still NOT in the clear as the Resistance wants our president dead and are still working very hard behind the scenes.

    Please continue to pray for President Trump and all that work with him. God hears our prayers and will act on our behalf...

  2. Hidden dangers of the rainbow. A good read on how deep the NEW AGE NWO agenda is entrenched in our institutions


  3. Obama wanted to be the architect of and put into immediate practice a society that can't succeed, one that universally enslaves.

  4. I don't read or watch anything about low life turds. Especially that stinking one pictured here.

  5. We are soooo fortunate that the HildaBeast did NOT win!

    This turd was setting the country up to be taken over by the government and run in to the ground worse than Cuba or Venezuela! Hilliary would have finished the job pretty quickly!


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