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Monday, June 18, 2018

The crazy reason the FBI didn't search the devices of Hillary Clinton's inner circle

While the FBI was investigating Hillary Clinton's secret server where she kept official emails out of the view of the authorities until her lawyers could scrub them, for some reason, agents never searched the Blackberries or other email devices belonging to her inner circle at the State Department.

Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz and his team received a crazy response when they asked FBI agents on the Hillary Clinton email investigation why not.

The agents' primary excuse was to point to "the culture of mishandling classified information at the State Department which made the quantity of potential sources of evidence particularly vast" (see page 153).

Put another way, the agents thought that they might find so much classified information on unauthorized servers and systems that they would become lost in the maze. Horowitz, in what can only be described as a generous admonition, counters by noting "that [this excuse] fails to acknowledge that the team was not required to take an all-or-nothing approach. For example, a middle ground existed where those devices belonging to Clinton’s three top aides - which the team determined accounted for approximately 68 percent of Clinton’s email exchanges - would have been reviewed, but devices belonging to other State Department employees would not."

This suggestion by Horowitz seems rather, well, obvious.

More here


  1. In other words, the problem was pervasive, from Hillary on down.

  2. Who Cares? The election is over.We won.Please stop giving her fuel.

    1. Bc they are trying to get our president on obstruction for firing of Comey. Also is shows biased on how two investigations were handled.

  3. no one wanted to wind up tossed away at Ft. Marcy Park.


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