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Monday, June 18, 2018

Yes folks, Obama & Co. had this all planned out in January 2014.



  1. What if computers could respond to our thoughts or our language barriers could come tumbling down. Or if millions of Americans were suddenly finding new jobs in these fields -- jobs we haven’t even dreamt up yet -- because we chose to invest in this project.

    That's the future we're imagining. That's what we're hoping for. That’s why the BRAIN Initiative is so absolutely important. -Obama

    Why the focus on your brains?

  2. Thank God for a Total Change of Events when President Trump was elected...

    Obama and Company Evil at best and Still not to be trusted. Would love to see all in orange jump suits for a long time.

  3. Trump said today that every immigration problem is Democrats fault. Trump is President now. Time to take responsibility and do something except blaming Democrats. Doubly sad since he has a Republican Congress to back him up if he would only exercise some leadership.

  4. 12:23 keep on trolling...........

  5. 12;23,need democrats to pass policy in the senate and Trump said you give me wall funding I will sign DACA so democrats are holding up progress.


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