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Thursday, June 07, 2018

NBC Employees, Journalists Attack Bill Clinton Over NBC Interview

A number of anchors and journalists at NBC and MSNBC took issue with former President Bill Clinton’s assertions that the network edited its interview with him to make it sound like he had no remorse for his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky.

While talking with Stephen Colbert on the Tonight Show Tuesday night, Clinton accused the “Today” show of selectively editing his remarks after he was asked whether he should apologize to the former White House intern.

“They had to distill it and it looked like it said I didn’t apologize and had no intention to, and I was mad at me,” Clinton told Colbert. “Here is what I want to say, ‘It wasn’t my finest hour.'”

At a separate New York Times event, Clinton belittled Today anchor Craig Melvin for his age and implied he was inexperienced.



  1. Clinton calling his second favorite network "fake news". Again Pres Trump is correct / wins again.

  2. So it cuts both ways. Let's get back to reporting FACTS not OPINIONS

  3. 359
    Ok, here is a fact: Ms. Lewinski worked for intelligence and did the dirty deed in order to blackmail the POTUS into going along with outrageously immoral acts such as the Bosnian War, the illegal Trade Deals, and the destruction of the economy via Fiat Monetary expansion.

    Like all POTUS, he was a compromised individual. They all are. Otherwise, they are not CHOSEN to become POTUS.

  4. 4:14 PM - There's a big aluminum foil sale going on at Ollie's Outlet, if you need more.

  5. Steve colbert needs to be fired along with sam b and all of the view..


  6. Bill Clinton is and has been a slime for decades, but the Democrat establishment and their media sock puppets have ignored, rationalized or buried any criticisms of him.

    It must come as a rude shock to him to be fielding genuine probing questions, even of a general nature, from them now. The teflon barrier around him is dissolving because he's now more use to them as a defendant than as a spokesman. Karma!

    And who would believe NBC would edit to alter or twist an interview? Answer: Everyone.

    NBC is a miserable, bottom feeding network owned by Comcast, and Clinton is an over the hill slime. They deserve each other!

  7. I thought Bill Clinton died of a drug overdose after he discovered that robotics were keeping Hillary moving.

  8. 455
    So there are no conspiracies, huh?

  9. So there are no conspiracies, huh?

    June 7, 2018 at 9:36 PM

    There are indeed conspiracies, but you offer no proof or even references to what you say. You can't just make wild accusations without anything to back them up.

    That makes YOU look like another tin-foil hat wearing idiot.

  10. 936
    Do your own research.
    Stop calling regular people names.

    Stop acting like a sheep.
    Someone is encouraging you to think and read for yourself. If he peaked your interest then follow up. Don’t expect others to hand it to you .

  11. So there is fair and balanced with NBC????


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