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Thursday, June 07, 2018

Former USA Gymnastics CEO Told Staff To Keep Alleged Abuse Quiet, Waited To Tell FBI

The former president and CEO of USA Gymnastics, Steve Penny, was dismissed from a hearing before a U.S. Senate subcommittee investigating the sexual abuse of athletes by ex-team doctor Larry Nassar on Tuesday after Penny refused to answer questions by lawmakers.

Penny, who answered only one question, about how long he was employed by USA Gymnastics, was subpoenaed to testify but asserted his Fifth Amendment rights six times and made it clear he would not respond to the senators' queries.

As he hurriedly left the room a woman in the audience yelled out a single cry of "shame!"



  1. Yes, the Fifth Amendment is a wonderful thing for criminals and innocent alike.


  2. Deserves both civil lawsuits and criminal prosecution. If he's bankrupt and in jail a tiny bit of justice will have been served.


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