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Thursday, June 07, 2018

Bernie Sanders Speaks Out Against ‘Superdelegate’ System That Made Clinton In 2016

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders spoke out against the Democratic party’s superdelegate system Wednesday morning — a system that contributed to his failure to secure the Democratic nomination for president against former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“Right now, as you know, and when I ran, you had many, many superdelegates. Almost all of them ended up supporting Hillary Clinton,” Sanders told The Washington Post at a conference Wednesday.

“And, I think there is a widespread understanding that just is not right. In fact, you had superdelegates voting for Clinton in states that I won pretty handsomely,” Sanders said.

What the independent senator is saying is valid. For instance, Sanders absolutely dominated against Clinton in New Hampshire in 2016, but she ultimately gained as many delegates in the state because many of the superdelegates supported her.



  1. Shut Up Bernie. You should have said something in 2016 instead of kissing hillary's a$$

  2. Go back to hear the voice vote on the floor, Bernie. They were just as loud for you as Hillary, most of them just revolting over the voice vote vs. written.

    It was decided before anyone there even walked in the room, Bernie. Your own "Party" effed you.


  3. Democrat Socialist food fight! Ordering more popcorn.

  4. Letting this commie POS run on the dem ticket speaks volumes as to the real idesls if the democrats

  5. It's corruption Bern not the system.


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