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Friday, June 08, 2018

Medicare Will Be Insolvent In 2026, Sooner Than Expected; Social Security To Follow In 2034

Medicare's trust fund has just eight more years of solvency until 2026, and Social Security will be exhausted in 2034, according toThursday projections by the trustees for the government programs.

While Social Security's expected depletion is unchanged from last year's projection, the date for Medicare's demise was moved up three years.

Social Security is made up of several funds; the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance (OASI) and Disability Insurance (DI) are combined for the designation OASDI, while Medicare's Hospital Insurance trust fund is designated HI.



  1. good. Never should have existed in the first place. A made up solution to a non existent problem- typical of government.

  2. Maybe if they only allowed eligible CITIZENS to receive benefits it would last a lot longer!

  3. We let our government steal from us, and we have NO recourse in getting what we payed into the system back. Thiefs and liars that run our government.

  4. YET....WE all continue to vote in these gov't officials (CONGRESS) each/every election year!!!!

  5. does this mean they will stop taking it out our paycheck

  6. It will be bailed out just like all the other programs, although I would like to get what I paid in for 43 years.....I could retire in "fat city"!

  7. This is why they want to eliminate cash. If enough wise up and pay people cash they can eliminate the extortion. It has to be a group effort. The government thugs can handle a handful of people doing it but not all. I want my money back!

  8. SS is not a "benefit" or an "entitlement". It is something I have busted my ass all my life to earn that was forcibly taken out of my paycheck that I am owed back from the government! I NEVER voluntarily signed up for the government to "manage" my retirement account. The only thing they've "managed" is to rob each and every one of us who has paid into it all of our lives!

  9. ProplP your country is 20+ trillion dollars in debt!! It's ALL going to implode sometime in the near future. They've robbed you blind for decades now the onlu meand of "cooking" government records is for the country to fail. They've been preparing themselves for this situation for a long time. You literally have functioning government cities underground all over the country.

  10. Concerned RetireeJune 8, 2018 at 6:08 PM

    Then the Politians should be mandated to give up their retirement and all benefits including their healthcare. They stole the money and allowed Bill Clinton to close that account and put it in the general fund.


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