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Friday, June 08, 2018

Establishment Dragging GOP Towards Amnesty Cliff

The House GOP leadership will push a new amnesty bill today that does not set upper limits on an amnesty or even cut migration levels but which does exclude reforms found in Rep. Bob Goodlatte’s immigration reform bill, sources tell Breitbart News.

In November, if House Speaker Paul Ryan gets his way, most GOP legislators “will be on record in support of amnesty,” Iowa Rep. Steve King told Breitbart News. “It is not going to help us in November” if there is a vote in the House on amnesty, King said.

The retiring Speaker is forcing a floor debate where Republicans will split their party by voting for a business-demanded amnesty, and where Democrats will unify their party by voting against reforms or a wall, said one source with knowledge of the draft details, adding:

"Leading up to the midterms, in exactly the moment that the Republicans look like they have a good chance, the Republican leaders are going to do this? For what? To show Republican voters that Republicans legislators suck?"



  1. Good. It's about time.

  2. No amnesty and no more chain migration along with no unsupervised children cross. Who ever got them there should be held responsible not me.


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