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Sunday, June 17, 2018

Breaking News: James Comey was insubordinate in the Clinton email investigation, but a Justice Dept. report found no proof that F.B.I. bias affected the outcome

The former F.B.I. director James B. Comey was insubordinate in his handling of the investigation of Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential election, a critical Justice Department report has concluded, according to officials and others who saw or were briefed on it.

But the report, by the department’s inspector general, Michael E. Horowitz, does not challenge the decision not to prosecute Mrs. Clinton. Nor does it conclude that political bias at the F.B.I. influenced that decision, the officials said.


  1. YEA RIGHT, bunch of lying scum bags!

  2. Per The NY Times. Lol

  3. Dave T: And what actually gets done about this self inflicted mess? Nothing. Only the working class must follow the law and face punishment for failing to do so. But never any of these so called "elites."
    There is nothing elite I see about any of these people except the high opinions they carry of themselves. The reputation of the FBI is now permanently tarnished and I find it quite difficult to respect an agency that injects itself into politics by misusing the justice system to it's own advantage. A complete disgrace if I have ever seen one, and an even bigger disgrace to see nothing being done about it.

  4. The whole of the democrat party the politicians and the voters are nothing but pure trash-All of them. Now is the time for them to prove this statement wrong but none will because they are all evil lying spawns of satan. They can prove this wrong by showing outrage at the DOJ and the FBI for their acts in trying to rig an election. And this goes for the local democrats running too. Show for once you are people of integrity and morals. They will be silent on this because their isn't a democrat alive with an honest moral bone in their bodies. Democrats are all sorry excuses for human beings who have not ever and will not ever contribute anything positive to society. The only thing a democrat excels at is lying-ALL of them!

  5. Fake News is spinning the OIG report and making clinton the victim of evil comey.

  6. From Tapper Twitter---

    "Jake Tapper
    ‏Verified account @jaketapper
    1h1 hour ago

    These are stunning texts for FBI officials to have written.

    Lisa Page: “[Trump’s] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”

    Peter Strzok: “No. No he won’t. We’ll stop it.”"

    Tappper's stunned. What an ignoramus. If he had been doing his job like a professional instead of being a lying POS democrat slave boy he would not be stunned. Honest objective people expected this and are not stunned but outraged.

  7. There is no justice. There is a double standard between government officials and the general population. Two different rules. If it was you or me, we would have been prosecuted and sent to prison. Some are in prison right now for just minor infractions for accessing confidential information and handling it incorrectly.

    You wonder why so many have lost faith in government and our leaders. The rule of law does not apply to them.

  8. Not sure how a police department can be extremely insubordinate, reckless, lie under oath but expect to be considered biased in a criminal investigation into the person they broke the law for. It's ridiculous to think otherwise. As usual people lose careers around clintons and they get off with vindication. It will never change with the Clintons.. James Comey made 5 million on his book and a massive pension. Comey litterly did not pay one dollar for the promotion of it.

    1. What's "litterly"? A new type of road-side trash? Do tell, inquiring minds wish to know!

  9. Govt protecting Govt --this is why we elected Trump. The bias is so obvious but of course they all CYA. We need TRUMP 2020 to have the time to drain this swamp!

  10. The IG disagrees and said the handling of emails on wieners lab top and text message from the love birds " we will not let trump become president" is not without politic biased. It's words that a cop never wants to hear about his investigation. They are in TROUBLE. James Comey said I didn't no they were married ha!

  11. Comey bias didn't affect the election outcome. I believe that. Trump was just a natural competitor and Hillary was just an egotistic dumb broad from Arkansas. Now, I'm sure the FBI THOUGHT they were affecting Trumps success but that's just big egos.

  12. NO Bias???!!! A true joke and MOST Know this...

  13. What all of are acknowledging is

    *** Two Sets of Laws ***

    You keep electing these Nazi wanna-be's and when they avoid laws, break them ignore them and flaunt them, NOTHING HAPPENS.

    We have 2 YEARS of "investigations" and millions upon millions of wasted dollars and all we have found is DEMOCRAT illegal manipulations of an American Presidential election. NOTHING HAPPENS TO THEM. In fact, they KEEP THEIR JOB!!!

    You or I would already be in prison, starting a 10-25 stretch.

    BUT, they are your HEROES!!!
    THEY will be eating steak and lobster in Antigua. You'll be hoping your wife will wait for you.
    And you cannot stop cheering.
    WTF does it TAKE for you people????

  14. Who are you talking to? No one one this site thinks anyone discussed as a hero! Are you mad, man! I never elected Comey, nor did anyone else here! You need to figure out who to be angry at! Your comments shows a true lack of benevolence.

  15. The fix was in from the start!! Time for President Trump to send in the military to the FBI and DOJ to seize all documents that are not redacted and make public!!!


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