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Sunday, June 17, 2018

John McCain Undercuts President Trump With Foreign Leaders as He Leaves G7 and Heads for North Korea Meeting

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) posted a statement Saturday night undermining President Donald Trump with foreign leaders after the President had departed a contentious Quebec G7 summit over trade issues and was headed for a historic meeting with North Korea in Singapore over nuclear weapons.

McCain’s statement reads, “To our allies: bipartisan majorities of Americans remain pro-free trade, pro-globalization & supportive of alliances based on 70 years of shared values. Americans stand with you, even if our president doesn’t.”



  1. Die already, McCain, you traitorous, NWO puppet!

  2. He was a trader as a captive and he still is!!! Songbird John....

  3. Well lucky for us he's not the president.

  4. Hero status long gone - traitor

  5. Another turd floating in the Swamp

  6. He has a very high opinion of his current worth.

  7. Ouch John. That was very un-American of you. Then again, you do have a history of being un-American. Matters of running a country is that of the President. President TRUMP!

  8. McCain is still acting like a Traitor. Still showing his liberal Democrat side. He needs to go get out of politics and quit siding with the anarchist.

  9. Someone tape his mouth shut when wrapping his head. He is notour President and should be considered a trader for making adverse remarks about our President and assuming all Americans feel the same. Enjoy your last days of life. Don't leave this world angry.

  10. I thought McCain was dead?
    Seriously. Right?

  11. I don’t believe McCain did this, more like his “handlers” using his name.

  12. McCain has no right to speak for me like that. We are NOT pro-globalization at all and differ greatly with many nations on our values. Sit down, shut up and die soon, John.

  13. Why are we still listening to this angry, old man. He hates Trump and wears it on his sleeve.

  14. Bob Aswell.Not FooledJune 11, 2018 at 12:55 PM

    I'll be glad when that dodie old bastard finally cashes in so we don't have to listen to a load of crap coming from a LOSER. He's a jealous old out of touch presidential 'wanna be' who like Hillary Clinton just can't let it go. I'm sick of ALL these detractors of Trump who COULDN'T make the grade yet they know best. In a pig's A$$ I say. If they had a message other than this propaganda then the public would have bought it but they didn't. McCain is part of the 'old regime' and they ALL DIE giving way to newer, younger, original ideas and candidates.
    He'd as well face it, there's going to be a 'new day' and he won't be part of it thank God. Bob Aswell.... Not Fooled

  15. Just like he did when he bunked with the enemy in N. Vietnam, he bad mouths our country and its President. I'm sorry that he has to die before letting go of his congressional seat. But that is the way it is with our corrupt congress and its members.

  16. John Cain has sunk to every level possible, and this from a man that is dying he still wants every possible squeak on fame before he leaves. When we found out how inaccurate his service record really was, despite being a pow and mistreating his wife. He just needs to shut up. He can't believe he lost in the election, he needs to shut up and make his peace with God and the wife he cheated on in public.

  17. Id like to say -He is suffering from brain cancer and all the meds have obviously taken a toll. But there is no excuse for this kind of comment. Hes the one undercutting the president all because of his hatred of Donald Trump. His family need to convince him to resign and shut up. He is no longer relevant.

  18. Will somebody please pull the plug on that A-hole.

  19. McCain cannot speak internationally for our government, only the President can. The same bipartisan majorities did not vote for McCain to be president, rather he was soundly rejected by the voters when he ran. The ones McCain says he speaks for, elected Trump as our president. I don't think he is going to get over it before he dies.

  20. I don't believe this crap is coming from Mccain. He is on too many meds to be coherent. His "handlers" are making these statements "in his name".

  21. Member all you Trumpers. If you do not stand and applaud you are treasonous. Let the cult begin


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