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Thursday, June 07, 2018

Guns Haven't Changed in America. People Have.

Having enjoyed my 82nd birthday, I am part of a group of about 50 million Americans who are 65 years of age or older.

Those who are 90 or older were in school during the 1930s. My age cohort was in school during the 1940s. Baby boomers approaching their 70s were in school during the 1950s and early ’60s.

Try this question to any one of those 50 million Americans who are 65 or older: Do you recall any discussions about the need to hire armed guards to protect students and teachers against school shootings? Do you remember school policemen patrolling the hallways? How many students were shot to death during the time you were in school?

For me and those other Americans 65 or older, when we were in school, a conversation about hiring armed guards and having police patrol hallways would have been seen as lunacy. There was no reason.



  1. I'm 56 and I don't remember anything at all like armed guards. if there was a problem between students there was a fist fight or scratch fight if it was girls and it was ended. they were suspended for a couple of days and that was it.

  2. Yep, when I was a youngster, the weapon used most often was the paddle. No secret who used it on roudy kids. The embarrassment was worse than the paddling.

  3. It would have been lunacy back then to suggest that the CIA works for international bankers and have a secret globalist agenda to destroy America. Or to suggest that they murdered a sitting POTUS in 1963. Or that they faked the Moon Landing in 1969. Or that they worked with Mossad to orchestrate and benefit from the 911 terror event. Or that they pretended to kill CIA Agent Tim Osmond, aka Osama Bin Laden 3 different times.

    But that is because your age group had no idea about how the real world works.

    Thank you for the fairy tale.

  4. When I was in high school people had gun racks in their trucks. My grandparents kept a shotgun behind their bedroom door and my parents kept one in their closet. I never once thought about touching it. I was warned and knew there would be harsh consequences if I did. Now people are not accountable and they don't know what consequences are until it is to late. Keep giving everyone a trophy and not correcting bad behavior. Look where it has gotten us now.

  5. Lets address the fact that we didn't have access to the internet and boundless information and news stories at our fingertips.

  6. Back in college we used to keep our shotguns and hunting rifles under our dorm room bunks during hunting seasons.


  7. The principal, 2 vice-principals and a gym teacher or coach were more than adequate. I went to a campus style HS with 8 separate buildings that were each quite a distance apart, along with about 2600 other students. The 'board of education' was an available resource for teachers but I only saw it deployed once on a student.

    Well meaning adults have ceased to insist that students at all levels adhere to basic behavioral rules or face consequences. The predictable result unfolds before our eyes and on our screens - chaos and anarchy.

    We do the kids, our society and nation a grave disservice by this failed approach. We need to go back to 'the good old days' to reestablish order and a sense of common purpose and values. Time is a wasting!


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