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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Social Assistance Reform Isn't Cruel; It's Necessary

Recently, the Trump administration has caught fire from the media for a straightforward attempt to reform the long outdated food stamps program -- officially titled the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Rather than doling out food stamps, which could hypothetically be used for almost any food, Trump’s proposal would be to deliver an assortment of canned goods, including peanut butter, pasta, juice, and powdered milk to intended recipients.

This reform has been called cruel, or even “inhuman,” by critics.

And yes, there are flaws with this plan. Most notably, the costs of assembling and shipping these packages around the country would probably limit, if not eliminate, the $129 billion it was intended to save. However, we can’t adopt the mentality that reshaping social assistance programs is cruel or inhuman. It’s necessary if we want to pave the way to a balanced budget and, more importantly, to a population that’s better served.

Why Social Assistance Reform Is Necessary

The amount of money we spend on welfare programs is staggering. In 2011, welfare was spread across 83 overlapping programs, which cost a combined total of more than $1.03 trillion, which is more than we spent on Social Security, Medicare, or our national defense.



  1. 22% of those receiving food stamps are democrats. 10% Republicans and 17% independents.

  2. 31% of the black population receives food stamps. Whites 15% hispanics 22%.

  3. Joe
    I was at the restaurant 1 fish 2 fish yesterday and seen a woman pay for her COOKED Food with the Independence yellow card clams shrimp ect WTH is going in with my TAX $.whike she got into her NEW CAR.

  4. The SNAP Program is corporate welfare. The population can not afford Big Ag’s bloated prices, do the facist government gives them the US Dollars (fiat) with which to buy their products. It is sickening. The result is to keep prices high even for those who exchange their labor for US Dollars (fiat).

  5. 2:55
    YOUR tax dollars are paid to the Fed Bankers as interest on the national debt (US Bonds).

    The SNAP benefits are simply created out of thin air as a corporate welfare payment by our facist government.


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