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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

More U.S. Parents Smoking Pot Around Kids

Progress made in limiting kids' exposure tosecondhand smoke could be undermined by the increasing popularity of pot, a new study suggests.

"As we are removing cigarette smoke -- and that's a major public policy achievement -- that success will be attenuated by increasing exposure to secondhandmarijuana smoke," said lead researcher Renee Goodwin.

The numbers confirm the trend.

Fewer parents are smoking cigarettes who have kids in the home these days -- about 20 percent in 2015 compared with more than 27 percent in 2002.

But marijuana use among cigarette-smoking parents increased dramatically during that same period, indicating that kids in those families could be exposed to more secondhand smoke than ever.

Among parents who smoke cigarettes, pot use increased from 11 percent in 2002 to over 17 percent in 2015, the researchers found.

"The kids who are already exposed to one thing, they're more likely to be exposed to both," said Goodwin, a professor with the City University of New York. "It's even worse for them."



  1. they are breathing the devils breath its bad its going to make them burn in the fires of hell

  2. How do they keep jobs, I’d be fired in a heartbeat!

  3. Allot healthier the cig smoke. Probably wont need anti depressants and ridlin either. Bet the depression and suicide rates go down too

  4. Smoking anything around kids is dumb.


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