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Tuesday, May 15, 2018

BREAKING: Baltimore Police Commissioner Resigns After Tax Charges

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Darryl De Sousa has resigned as Baltimore Police Commissioner after being charged with failure to file his taxes.

The 53-year-old was charged with three misdemeanor counts of failure to file a U.S. tax return. He faces a maximum sentence of one year in prison and a $25,000 fine for each of the three counts.



  1. Baltimore is what Baltimore is because of a lack of leadership for 25+ years. Fortunately Gov Hogan has stopped dumping money into the city. When the people of Baltimore finally get their head out of their......., and elect a competent person, and not someone just because of the color of their skin maybe the city will stop being a cesspool.

  2. I guess doing a background check is too high tech for Baltimore.

  3. Mayor Puck sure doing a fine job!

  4. A good way to get lawbreakers off the street. Good work commissioner!

  5. When did Hogan quit giving this crooks MD tax dollars? Hogan is constantly giving Baltimore tax dollars without accountability. Starting making Baltimore and it's crooks accountable and more will leave instead of getting fired.

  6. No wonder crime is up in Baltimore, they have more crooked Baltimorons in charge of the Law Enforcement Departments! People are amazed at us Delmarvelous Rednecks not wanting them here to "help" us out! Smart damn move on our part.

  7. Drain the swamp....err.. inner harbor!


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