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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Rahzel was just announced as one of the performers for the Salisbury Folk Festival. Doesn't sound "folky" to me

As we ALL knew would happen, there was absolutely no way Folk music was going to work in Mayor Jake Day's Folk Festival, hence the newest lineup of RAPPERS being booked in Salisbury. SBYNews viewers who actually frequent these Folk Festivals stated early on, they had never heard of the groups Day had already lined up for this event, now they're in for a major change. 

All I can say is, the City of Salisbury better pony up the major money it will cost to hire Sheriff's Deputies to secure this event because it's NOT going to be pretty. 


  1. Really nothing else to say but....hahahahahahahahaha

  2. This dude's style of music is making grunting noises to music. It is rather bizarre and not anything I would attend. You can find it on youtube. It will be a low attended event.

    1. African Americans seem to like it. We should expect an audience from DC and Baltimore. Just saying the majority in attendance will be African American from other cities.

    2. Welcome to America, not everyone is white.

    3. It's supposed to be a FOLK festival, not a rap concert.

    4. No. The guy is correct. It will be a black thing from the inner cities. Be prepared to clean up.

  3. Bring out the riot gear. Evacuate if live in a 3 mile radius. Board up all windows, protect yourself and your loved ones at all costs. Jake should be held responsible for any loss of life, medical bills, or damages caused by the influx of upstanding citizens.

  4. Not trying to still the pot but what concerns me is something happening and riots break out. Does anyone remember what Baltimore looked like ? It would probably destroy downtown area.

    1. Jake Day and Jim Ireton already did.

  5. So they're replacing patrons that might spend money and support, with those that are known to bring chaos and rudeness. Or should say...turning good patrons away. Are they purposely trying to fail this event?

  6. Yo, yo, yo, to the YOYO.

  7. Jake is an absolute piece of shit!! His whole agenda is made up of lies and deceit. He's bragging about some made up garbage as Salisbury being number #1 small city about to "skyrocket" this from Realtor.com truly can't comprehend the mentality to cater to a group of consumers that have proven they can't handle this form of open programs and gathering. Looking forward to the fallout from the gang affiliates here in Salisbury after hitting their gin/juice and smoking blunts all day. Guarantee to have at least one shooting that night

  8. If we wanted to see garbage and a shi.... event we can just go right to baltimore to get shot y not

  9. LOL leave it imbecile Day and the incredibly ignorant losers he hired for this festival to ruin it. This is going to be the biggest failure yet for Salisbury and many on this site will be around to smash, smear and rub in the dopes faces WE TOLD YOU SO.
    PS-if you are missing one of the stupid orange bikes look at the Mountaire in Selbyville. Another asinine idea by a mayor who is so backwards, so ignorant that it's a big joke to see what failure the imbecile will come up with next.

  10. You're all racists

    1. So is BLM and the Black Panthers your war is COMING.

  11. There damn sure won't be many white people attending that event and those that do are crazy wannabes.Personally I'll be watching and laughing from a safe distance.Can't wait.

    1. Rahzel hasn't been relevant in probably a decade, and when he was, he was huge with the white crowd. His music isn't typical thuggish "money cash hoes" rap.

      Pretty silly for him to be booked at a folk festival though.

    2. 20 something white women will be there. Don’t forget they love us!!

    3. Right!!!! Lol thinking they are going to grab a come up.

  12. If everyone thinks the yearly UMES "homecoming" is a shitshow - just wait for the festival!

    In the words of Harry Carey - "HOLY COW!"

  13. well since salisbury is a sewer, might as well add more sh!t to it.

  14. He has been bringing in this shit because he can't get folk festival musicians. This is going to be Little Africa where the natives get restless again.

  15. Why not charge an extra $20 per head to attend; and then divide the loot up among the gangs, sort of a pay-off to keep the mayhem to a minimum?
    Have first-hand knowledge of 2 recent doctors moving to the area, primarily to work at PRMC; who located to Worcester & Sussex Counties, their decisions were based on the perception of Salisbury/Wicomico County readily available on business websites.
    I've been told, don't know for a fact, that there exits a website/page of out-of-area parents who at one time considered SU for their children's education, but choose elsewhere based on Salisbury/Wicomico County's 'reputation'.
    Downward spiral into business's relocating and declining housing values....

  16. Will make sure I am out of town when thugs like this bring in more thugs and stir the pot causing even more problems for Salisbury. Jakey boy must be out of his mind to bring in trash like this.

    1. The only thugs you ll see is the methadone clients and the heroin addicts leaning

  17. " Anonymous said...

    Welcome to America, not everyone is white.

    May 16, 2018 at 8:18 AM"

    You are such a genius aren't you. Of course America is not all white. Don't be an ignoramus. I know it's hard for you people but at least for once try and show some intelligence. It's a FOLK FESTIVAL moron and not a rap festival.

  18. "Anonymous said...

    You're all racists

    May 16, 2018 at 8:11 AM"

    Why because we expect folk music at the National Folk Festival and not rap? That's the problem with you backwards, unsophisticated, uncultured, never get off the Eastern Shore types-you wouldn't know the difference between folk music and rap.

  19. So glad I am out of town that particular weekend. Looks like something I would not even attend but now
    seeing this kind of music performing, definitely not interested. Not into the RAP world! And besides, what
    happened to the Folk Music?

  20. People of Salisbury:
    Look to Ocean City. There is a reason that OC does not ever promote Rap concerts.
    On at least five occasions, once at the Convention Center and about four times at major nightclubs, Black groups have been catered to by bringing in Rap artists, every time ending up with devastating results. On each one of these events heavy LE had to be called in.
    It just doesn't work.
    This isn't racism - it's realism. Blacks know what's going to happen. Whites know what's going to happen. The Police know what's going to happen.
    Soon Salisbury will know, too.

  21. Are you all aware that the folk festival is supposed to be PERMANENT? The National Folk Festival people come for a few years, and then leave, at which point whatever town the infect is expected to carry on its own folks festival forever.

    Thanks, Jake.

  22. I just heard that a certain organization has planned to exercise their equal rights & send in their own form of "entertainment",and they WILL sue if the folk festival organizers attempt to keep them out.Things are heating up.Salisbury is too small for such racial opposition.

  23. I hadnt planned on going to this event in the first place but this firmly makes my decission. Call me Racist because I don't enjoy that type of "Music", so many of the crowds that gather for this kind of entertainment get rowdy and turn into caios. I wish it was different but Salisbury is heading for T R O U B L E ! mfasm

  24. 8:00 AM the foreclosure rate here is still at 10%, which is not something to brag about

  25. What? Is the folk festival only for white people?

  26. Failed architect.
    Failed urban planner.
    Failed Perdue employee.
    Failed Mayor.
    Failed event planner.

    What's next Jake, another worthless degree paid for by Daddy Day?

  27. I'm going out on a limb here, but I predict crime will be up that weekend. Just sayn

  28. you can't pay me to do.

  29. I don't think any of you have a clue what folk music means. You lot give white people a bad name.

  30. 8:11
    You're an idiot. The other performers they announced yesterday play folk music. This one does NOT. It has nothing to do with color just the type of music they play/sing.

    What I don't understand is if these performers are not getting paid why are they coming? This guy is from Chicago another is from Canada. Why would they travel so far on their own dime.

  31. I don't see any so called "racist" remarks mentioned here. On the other hand, I don't know what "racist" means. Please elaborate on the post with some smarts and not just a label. I for one am tired of hearing such crap as "racist". If one doesn't want to be discriminated upon, pull up your boots and improve yourself. Stop blaming your failures on another. Get over this mind set.

    Old white privileged male (oh, that means I took care of myself and family without assistance of another), even when times were rough and difficult.

  32. Wait till the shootings and stabbings start ole Jake and dunce will just say it's only Fireworks lol welcome to dahood and 1969 riots soon to come.

  33. The problem is that there ARE those of us that are from here, lived here pretty much our whole lives. To say we are no big fans of Jake days attempt to make Salisbury some sort of half-ass destination is an understatement. I'll be honest no bug fan of the rap music or culture. Don't see any significant effort in speaking about bitches, Ho's,baby momma, and the most hated one for me is how I had to along DAT dope to get me up outta DA projects. The problem is "the culture" has proven from the half added Salisbury festival that violence is/will be inevitable. Jake is a child that thinks as the leader of a city he's supposed to be in the entertainment business. Salisbury you have a gang problem, black gorilla family, bloods etc ARE here right in your back yard. Do you really think you need to promote this type of entertainment?? The saddest part of all are the stupid ass yo boy white kids that think they are fitting in, looking cool supporting this garbage

  34. folk mu·sic
    music that originates in traditional popular culture or that is written in such a style. Folk music is typically of unknown authorship and is transmitted orally from generation to generation.

  35. Oh come on now!! You guys are leaving out his added bonus act, dancing while black tap dancing. I kid you not this is a real act booked that actually promotes himself as such but we're all the racist because we don't agree or choose not to participate

  36. We know we're stupid, but we aren't THAT stupid!!!

    Ocean City Town Council

  37. Don't like it, don't go. Easy peasy.

  38. let's have some common sense, 1st i am not sure who this rapper is or the type of person who listen to his music, with that said, we all have to agree there are music artist that play a style of music that attracts "thug" like persons, because of the style of music. No, not all rap music is thug like, but yes some rap music does attract person who normally causes problems...so I hope this rapper, doesn't normally attract persons who love to break the law.

  39. I'm sick of pussies like Jake day and thus big pussy Dan O'Hare now who think they are going to right a wrong that happened centuries ago by giving blacks any and all they want. Trust me I'm a white male and worked 40 years. I started in the watermelon fields at 14. Worked at Perdue's nasty ass grain plant for awhile with rats the size of cats. Where is all this white privilege you all speak of? I've worked my ass off for anything I've gotten. that's what you do. We're not like Day crying white privilege and entitlement while he enjoys the influence of his butt kissing dad at perdue. Frank perdue worked his ass off to build that company and wish he was still alive to put piss ants like day and his daddy in their places. Second Dan O'Hare is about the biggest POS going. Removed back to the area latched on to his mommy and the realtor's she's worked with for 40 years to milk his influence but everyone else has white privilege. Nothing worse than a bunch of liberal kiss ass white boys that think by listening to all the black racism and hate that they know what black people go through. Truth be told Jake day what about your daddy and what he does to black people as a culture? They treat people poorly but their exploitation vof blscks is OK. I had a dear friend that worked 40 years at perdue processing never making more than $8/hour. Where's your reverence and need for righting that wrong O'Hare?

  40. The dude is 53-years old.

    A classic rap kat. Not exactly the kind of performer who's gonna bring criminals outta the woodwork. lol

  41. Not a very folk performer. But for those talking about “riots”.....get a grip. Rap concerts happen all the time. The bulk of attendees at rap shows are usually white kids. Y’all have such a stereotyped caricatured view of black people that you make yourselves a stereotyped caricature of white people.

  42. i wasnt going anyway so it makes no difference to me of what they do. its a huge waste of resources.

  43. 1:40 You make very good points here. If the fake Days cared so much about those workers, why do they not help them in giving them better wages. I to know a man that worked there for years and had to work a second job to pay the bills and to feed his family, not to mention that his wife worked to. How about that Day's, you make good money, why you holding your black workers back by not paying them a fair wage? oh that's right you don't care as long as you're getting yours. typical asshats.

  44. @1:55 that pretty much sums up day & O'Hare's desperation. That's some pretty fine talent you've got booked. A 53 year former rap artist and a dancing while black tap dance performer. Oh yea there's nothing offensive with that title. Jake say will find out just how dirty Salisbury's streets are when he open Salisbury up for this weak ass festival

  45. Deni all you want, this is going to turn into a very bad deal !!

  46. Lived there and grew up there in the 50s and 60s when the area and the whole country was over 90% white. Don’t recall ever any issues of violence and extremely low crime. Hope you all enjoy your diversity as I reside in a remote location that reflects the demographics of my era on the Eastern Shore. Glad my parents didn’t live to see the destruction diversity has caused to a once wonderful place to live.

  47. This will be the end of this event. When the desperation of money comes to this type of act it will end with disaster. History repeats itself...just look at all the businesses on the show that tried it. They're out of business!

  48. Contractors are already stocking up on large panes of glass, plywood, windows and doors. It will be a windfall for the glass and window workers and long days for the insurance adjusters.

    Better put "Window World" in your contacts app because you will need it.......

  49. Same old Jake day garbage! Look at me look how access to city tax money allows me to buy popularity among my peers. All the while let me know how you make out again Salisbury after the next 2-3 days of raining and flooding. That whole fitzwater/ west main st garbage has been going on for forty years no need to address any infrastructure problems we need a national folk/rap/dancing while black/ whatever the hell it really is. Jake day needs to use the mayors office to undo years of bullying, feeling of inadequacy.

  50. If you stop a rapper from performing at the Folk Festival, it's racist. If you allow a black rap performer to perform at a folk festival, it's racist. Can't win that one. If he wants to perform, then he must be allowed to perform. Salisbury couldn't stand the negative publicity and the lawsuit, if they didn't. The appearance of this rapper at a local Folk Festival will be the end of it. He will only be there to disrupt and create disgust among the attendees the show is designed to entertain. And he will.

  51. @9:48 that's the whole point of it. These people of color if you will see just how big of a sucker Jake day, Carolyn & Dan O'Hare really are. They could care less about any racially equality. Like every other city in America their looking for the opportunity to disrupt and cause divide. The sad part of it is Day was dumb enough to put the city of Salisbury on the hook to pay for and provide the resources to continue racial divide and tensions

  52. Rahzel is a beatboxer...1 man show. This is not some thug rapper with an entourage show. He is an established musician who has played with The Roots, Ben Harper, Toots & the Maytals, Bjork, The String Cheese Incident. I don't think he will attract the crowd you all are thinking will show up. Salisbury needs to grow up.

  53. Rap concert attendees will make this a one and done

  54. Ever see this kind of "excitement" at Springfest or Sunfest? The answer would be hell no. Like we said before - we understand we are stupid, but not THAT stupid!!!!


    Ocean City Town Council
    (the laughing stock EAST of Salisbury)

  55. folk mu·sic
    music that originates in traditional popular culture or that is written in such a style. Folk music is typically of unknown authorship and is transmitted orally from generation to generation.

    Songs passed down orally from backs kept as slaves:

    ”Follow the Drinkin' Gourd"
    ”Go Down Moses"
    ”Let Us Break Bread Together"
    ”Swing Low, Sweet Chariot"
    ”Steal Away (To Jesus)"
    ”Wade in the Water"
    "Song of the Free"

  56. I personally would not be afraid of Blacks attending the festival. I would be more afraid of the privileged white hate mongering skin heads and kkk groups who would attend pretending to be protectors of there community. Salisbury, Md is such a racist town. I'm so glad I no longer live in this town.

    1. AS YOU SHOULD!! The days of being politically correct are over

  57. Well call me racist then because I'm going to protect myself and what's mine. This current generation is made up of a bunch of ignorant disrespectful babies. They don't care about themselves or anyone they come in contact with. But here's where you're wrong I have more discontent for the ignorant immature white kids trying to act like ghetto rap project dwellers.

  58. This dude is a beat box champion. He does make some amazing sounds. Not sure if it's folk music though. The thing is most black people have no idea who he is. He was really popular with white college kids years ago.

  59. Nice Day and the rest of the garbage organizing this fiasco. Real classy booking at a folk festival someone whose lyrics include vulgarities and sexually explicit lyrics. Such low class trashy people.

  60. " Anonymous said...

    Rahzel is a beatboxer...1 man show. This is not some thug rapper with an entourage show. He is an established musician who has played with The Roots, Ben Harper, Toots & the Maytals, Bjork, The String Cheese Incident. I don't think he will attract the crowd you all are thinking will show up. Salisbury needs to grow up.

    May 18, 2018 at 4:14 PM"

    Did you even bother to read the lyrics of his "music?" If you approve of that then it only proves you are of the lower class. You are crude and vulgar and a gross disgusting person who was raised by worthless baby makers. You need to grow up because adults don't think it's cute or clever to hear the word MFer in music.

  61. There desperate people! They talent available to Salisbury and this fly by night attempt at hosting this festival is limited. There showing the desperation now to just fill up the alotted times needed for entertainment

  62. You think that downtown Salisbury is ghetto now? Just wait until September.

  63. Oh boy, that right there is real folksy, I swear it is. This is what we get with boy wonder downtown in the Mayor's Office.

  64. Look up rahzel,all I know on you tube.....sounds folksy to me....NOT..

  65. Why all the complaints? He will fit right in with all of the trash attending

  66. @4:14 when your first defense is to call someone you don't know vulgar names, it only goes to show that YOU are infact the one you tried to describe me as...But then, I guess deep down you already know that. I am sure your parents are proud that you lack the ability to have a conversation and must rely on insults.

  67. I'd love a poll to see how many residents of this area actually think this is a good idea...


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