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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Breaking News: The U.S. has put on hold its plan to impose sweeping tariffs on China as it presses forward with talks to reduce its trade deficit with Beijing

Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, said on Sunday that the two countries had made progress as they concluded two days of intense trade negotiations in Washington late last week. The planned tariffs — on Chinese steel and aluminum, as well as $150 billion worth of other Chinese goods — are off the table while the talks proceed, he said.

“We’re putting the trade war on hold,” Mr. Mnuchin said on “Fox News Sunday.”

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Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, said on Sunday that the two countries had made progress as they concluded two days of intense trade negotiations in Washington late last week. The planned tariffs — on Chinese steel and aluminum, as well as $150 billion worth of other Chinese goods — are off the table while the talks proceed, he said.

“We’re putting the trade war on hold,” Mr. Mnuchin said on “Fox News Sunday.”Read More »


  1. Why were the National Guard told to stand down at the border when the caravan arrived?

  2. All Theatre

    We are being mind controlled by the media / government

  3. Are we going to send them junk and trash like they send us? Their products are worthless.


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