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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Breaking News: Amphitheater To Be Delayed Several Weeks

The state of Maryland is requiring storm water management for the new amphitheater in Downtown Salisbury, something Mayor Day and engineers didn't plan for. I say that because there's a major power line underneath the project that has to be removed by DP&L for the City to put a drain pipe underneath it. 

Then comes the MDE because the City's plan to drain directly into the River is a no, no. Nevertheless, DP&L is not going to jump simply because the City says jump. To top it off it will cost the City an additional $17,000.00 for DP&L to move the line and this fee is not included in the budget. 

Once again, when you put a child in a mans job, this is the kind of thing taxpayers have to swallow. Can you say change order fee?


  1. It's exhausting. Watching one screw up after another is exhausting.

  2. Proper planning prevents piss poor results.

  3. Day is an idiot.

  4. And change orders are where he contractors make up lost money!!!!

  5. I like Jake Day but someone screwed up on this. The contractor and engineer(s) who designed this structure should have been well aware in advance that storm water management is a component of any building project.

  6. What a bunch of maroons!

  7. So Get off your butts and run for his job, or the city council. Shut your pie hole complaining and do something!
    You accomplish nothing on here.

    1. 8:52 go back to your safe space and cry yourself to sleep.

  8. 8:38 AM I'm sure as a person he fine, as a Mayor - not so much.

  9. The threshold for required storm water management is very low, something like disturbing 5,000 sq ft.

  10. Anon 8:38 Exactly. Last I knew Jake Day is our Mayor. When did he get an engineering degree.

  11. Ok, let’s not get carried away, sure this is a disaster, but at least the Main Street project is running without a hitch.................

  12. FUTURE home of thugs concerts and homeless WATCH.

  13. 9:01, No one is claiming Day is an engineer. HOWEVER, we do NOT have STUPID written on our foreheads. We ALL know we as taxpayers foot the bill to pay for professional engineers who work for the City AND paid dearly for studies to be done with companies, (engineers on staff) to assure this crap wouldn't happen.

    That being said, when you elect a child for your Mayor and he hires children right out of school with no wisdom and experience, well, maybe the voters do in fact have STUPID written on their foreheads after all.

    1. Maybe it's the same engineers that did the great water tx tank overflows.

  14. FIRE FAKE day for costing the tax payers more $$$$$$$

  15. hilarious!!!

  16. I'm sure that when the project was reviewed for its impacts in the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area, that was mentioned. Oh yeah, it wasn't submitted to the Critical Area Commission staff for review..... And yet everyone who is developing in Salisbury has to comply with Stormwater Management, Critical Area, Sediment Control, NPDES etc. It sure would be nice if the regulatory community would lead by example by complying with the Regulations that they create and regulate...

  17. Pull it ALL DOWN.

  18. As we have all stated for the last year Jake and his team just jump in no plans, no checking with departments before hand and not enough land to have a festival, no safety from the river and expensive.

  19. 8:52 You don't have a clue he wasn't voted in a political race, he ran unopposed because people have lost trust in this city and how it is run. Unless you remove all the people on all the council board, the city big wigs, all the departments things are not going to change. Joe Albero was our only chance and because he did not win when he ran, he too gave up . I would like to say that most of our presidential candidates that won ran more than one race for office. We need you Joe in the next election, either you or someone else with intelligience, common sense, a strong management background, people skills and the ability to work with others. Please someone run in the next election that puts the city first not selfies!

  20. Why didn't the initial permit for the project require storm water. I wanted to build a building to move my current business bc we had outgrown our current space. I wanted to purchase the land and have a new building placed and when I went to city for permits, was told I had to have sidewalks, lighting and bc of the size of my new building, a storm water plan which increased my costs by $30,000. So did Day try and squeeze this in and not include storm water bc he is Mayor? I would bet if it was any other company wishing to build in same location, and permits filed, the city would have required storm water management program, sidewalks and new lighting. And the city required I repave a section of roadway in front of my new business. Again, now you know why I moved my business to Worcester County..... Jake has to go.

  21. Now they are going to did it ALL Back up again lololo more liberal dabury tax payer $$$$$$$$$

    Impeach Day.

  22. Truth be told Jake day told the contractor to move forward without the proper permits in place thinking in his warped mind he wouldn't be held accountable. Jake's a legend in his own mind

  23. The lack of proper experience and knowledge on running a municipality is becoming embarrassing. As far as this folk festival director this is just sad now with the pathetic talent levels in the acts being accepted. Sounds like the O'Hare's were more worried about forcing their liberal California/New York beliefs on the citizens in Salisbury/wicomico county than doing a job to bring unity and allowing everyone's tastes to be displayed. When you book acts that have titles of race and or genre their main focus you're looking for nothing but trouble and a fight.

  24. Where is that excellent construction manager Delmarva Veterans Idiots who is paid to coordinate construction, design, ect. That just show's the total lack of experience this firm has. Also Vista Design who should have also know is another group of idiots. Had an apple out of their bag before. Great job City of Salisbury for an inept team for this project. It's the blind leading the blind !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get what you pay for.

  25. Going to be a great hangout for all of the bums when they are not panhandling.

  26. Nobody wants to be Mayor of Salisbury unless:

    a) they can enrich themselves, family members or business buddies;
    b) they seek higher office;
    c) both (a) and (b).

  27. I,unfortunately, live in the city and am to old to move. I DID NOT vote for. Jake Day. Jake, stop spending my tax dollars on stuff we don't need. I have to live within my budget,you should be required to do the same. Or better yet, pay for all the frivolous stuff out of your own pocket. Mine are not deep enough.

  28. Very Very Sad !! So poor

  29. How's that "Rainy Day Fund" balance there Jakkkkeeee BOY?

  30. Joe are you going to post a story about how Day and Glanz are currently traveling around Europe on the taxpayer dime?

  31. They could have done this in the City Park using the band stand as the stage and built in amphitheater seating into the hillside. Plenty of parking on both sides of the river and a much more pleasant locale than Rt 13, where there is more limited parking and road noise and traffic issues. Day is an idiot. Darn glad I moved out of the city years ago.

  32. Wait until the shootings start.

  33. What they're doing is essentially removing a grassy area that absorbed and filtered storm water, replacing it with a parking lot for people.

  34. I'm telling you people Jake say literally has assumed the mindset that he is above the law and consequences because his daddy is an appointed CEO of the biggest company in Salisbury. His dad is nothing more than a puppet paid to run the company and assume all the stress and headaches. Its nothing earned Jim perdue never really wanted the responsibility of running perdue farms. I believe he worked his first ten years out of college in his college graduate major before submitting. These day men are those that chase recognition and the feeling of acceptance. We all know when one over compensates like they do it's usually to make up for some major flaws elsewhere.

    1. Randy more than put in his time with Perdue. There really wouldn't have been a better fit regardless of what you may think of his son.

  35. I have seen it time and time again liberals believe rules only apply to other people. They truly believe that their ideas are so righteous that they can not possible be subject to regulations. Regulations are beneath the inherent good they are trying to accomplish. That only other peoples land use decisions that they do not agree with should be crushed by regulations.

    Prime example 11571 Riverton Wharf Road.

  36. Environmentalists control this state and that's why its economy has been going down,costs to much to develop anything with them in control.

  37. Jake Day proves every day how much of an idiot he is.

    Jake Day please resign and let a real man show you how to run a city.

  38. Where is all this “plenty of parking” around the grandstand area in the park?

  39. Design and placement is horrible, there is no stage access for equipment, it’s 50 feet from a loud major highway, it’s being built with fricking PAVERS on tamped clay! What is this Russia? Asinine.

  40. @6:10 absolutely agree with you! What a half assed construction job. These guys are ripping the city of Salisbury taxpayer off big time. Jake day was in such a hurry too push this and the ongoing main street fiasco through hoping both would get done without any attention being drawn to themselves

  41. Anonymous said...
    I like Jake Day but someone screwed up on this. The contractor and engineer(s) who designed this structure should have been well aware in advance that storm water management is a component of any building project.

    May 17, 2018 at 8:38 AM

    I don't like Jake Day and we all know Jake again, tried to sneak one over on us and he screw up again. I hope and pray that the idiotic boi Mare resigns sooner than later before he costs us any more money to waste.

  42. 10:52 AM yea because it has nothing to do with OMalley and all those taxes its all the environmentalists fault. smdh

  43. What I really want to know is an answer to our first huge failure. Main Street downtown did the city ever pay the fist contractor who was to have been paid for what was completed as should have been done. Because of it they didn't complete the job then another contractor was hired to complete the work. Have we paid for that job? and then this disaster Festival for 3 years

  44. Duh, dere is a power line under dere? Duh!


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