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Sunday, May 20, 2018

Breaking News: There are multiple fatalities in a school shooting in southeast Texas, a local official said. A suspect is in custody.

Multiple people were killed, and others were injured, in a shooting on Friday morning at Santa Fe High School in Santa Fe, Tex., according to local officials. A suspect was in custody.

At least three people were killed, according to Mark Henry, the Galveston County judge, the county’s top elected official. The injured included at least one police officer, Mr. Henry said.


  1. Another school shooting in the only country where school shootings happen this frequently. Sad.

  2. Wake up America this is the future until we act

    1. Move to Iran see how freedom is there ?

  3. Lets get more guns so that there will be more shootings.
    When will this insanity stop

    1. The insanity won't stop until you learn the facts. Everything you said was totally incorrect. Quit being a knee-jerk liberal.

  4. Thank you NRA fanatics!

    1. Thank libs for not protecting kids in gun free zones.

  5. Yup ... agree with you 11:49 am sad that bullying & mental health is dismissed and, often, ignored by parents & schools

  6. Time to make mental health a priority?

    1. From what has been reported so far this kid had a clean slate, no history of any kind of mental illness so what’s your plan? Thought police? Precognition?

  7. Time to pull kids out of school and should be parents decision until teachers are armed or a cop on duty and even metal detectors

    1. And let single welfare mom's stay at home.

    2. And home school ? Lol too busy with shaquan

    3. This mass nurderer is from a 2 parent home.

  8. Thoughts and prayers ....

  9. Funny you Libtards never blame the parents or the shooter. You liberals never take responsibility for anything. Never your fault because you heads are up your asses all the time. Chicago has the toughest gun laws in America how is that working out. Look at Baltimore there is one common denominator in 80% of these deaths. BLACK men that is right I said it. Stop sticking you heads up you rectum and look at the facts. Ever wonder where the kid got the gun to begin with. Ever wonder why absent parents or just plain old crack heads do not spend time with their children. You people make me sick. Call me racist but the facts are the facts tough pill to swallow.

  10. Look at London trying to ban knifes ? It AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN.....

    Thank a lib for GUNFREE ZONES

  11. 12:02 so arm students? Send out a mini militia when a fire alarm is pulled at any school in America?

  12. 12:02 while we're at it lets cut down on motor vehicle deaths by getting rid of speed limits and giving everyone a car regardless of whether or not they pass a drivers test.

  13. Yeah, thank you lib/dems for causing/allowing another school shooting / loss of life. We hope the victims families will forgive you.

  14. Blame OBAMA schools were told NOT to report kids to police ...Why bc too many Blacks and some whites were getting Suspended .


  15. Obama Crooked BastardoMay 18, 2018 at 3:14 PM

    Is this another shooting in Gun Free Zone? Thanks Liberal Democ-rats, those Gun Free Zone signs are really working. SMH.

  16. @12:02 & 12:03
    No, lets ignore the real problem, the person pulling the trigger and ban all the guns. That way we can move to knives, swords, evil will find a way to kill if they want to kill.

  17. Suspect is confirmed to have used a shotgun and .38 revolver taken from his father who legally owned both weapons.

  18. Thoughts and prayers are no longer cutting it.

    14 What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? 15 Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. 16 If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? 17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.
    - James 2:14-17

    17 If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
    - 1 John 3:17-18

  19. It's almost as if the thoughts and prayers from our last mass shooting, 2
    months ago, did nothing

  20. Schools are violent..we need to ban schools

  21. This entitled little thug probably had parents who gave him the world and it wasn't good enough. Its a insult to those who genuinely have severe mental health issues. If he has mental health issues, then so do those shooters in Chicago people love to speak so badly of.

  22. Hmmmmmmmmmm
    NYC idiot Mayor took away armed police hmmmmmm I wonder why ?
    Looking for a mass shooting to go after the NRA ?

    1. ...no they didnt.

    2. 1159 ever use GOOGLE.?

    3. Google
      NYC removes SRO from schools
      Then give me your response SNOWFLAKE.

  23. Most of these shooters are young, often students themselves. Now what does that tell us

  24. He played a lot of video games.

    1. Same argument was made long ago about television. Crawl back in your camper

  25. He got bullied because of his name. Thy should have changed it to Matt or Austin or Remington.

  26. "A suspect is in custody."

    This is what bothers me! Knowing this happens means an automatic death sentence by cop in my opinion!

  27. Anonymous said...
    Suspect is confirmed to have used a shotgun and .38 revolver taken from his father who legally owned both weapons.

    May 18, 2018 at 3:48 PM

    It's time for families to start taking ownership for what their kids are doing. It's time that the father owns problem because he gave access for the the little Snowflake to get the guns.

    Bullying needs to stop and people need to take ownership for that.

    Just because the punk was spurned by a girl isn't good enough reason to harm her or anyone else.

    1. Well that's the problem you run into when any idiot can own guns. Theres no telling what they're actually like, how responsible they are with the firearm etc. Its other who must pay the price


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