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Monday, April 23, 2018

"Unapologetically American" Green Beret Explains "Why We Need Guns"

The Green Beret, who is "just unapologetically America" had a message - in words and images - that many Americans should pay attention to...

This is why we need guns.

Ask Hitler, Castro, Mao Tse-Tung, Stalin, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, or the countless others... if gun control worked for them.

Our forefathers did not have a glimpse into the future to know that the Second Amendment would have to protect the weapons we have today.

But they did know that governments will always be overreaching.

They wrote that beautiful constitution with the intent of limiting that power. We don’t need guns for hunting we need them for freedom.



  1. It doesn't look like he's a cheerleader....

  2. I wonder if he's been booked on CNN?


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