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Monday, April 23, 2018

Gorka to Grassroots: Trump Is the ‘Kryptonite of Political Correctness’

“We as a country have been frozen over for the last 30 years. There’s a massive, thick layer of permafrost, which was called political correctness”

RICHMOND, Virginia –
President Donald Trump is the ice-breaker ship that broke through 30 years of thick permafrost, according to former Trump administration official Dr. Sebastian Gorka, who called on 200 grassroots activists to be the flotilla that keeps the ice from reforming behind him.

“We as a country have been frozen over for the last 30 years. There’s a massive, thick layer of permafrost, which was called political correctness … in media, education, in politics, even some parts of business,” Gorka told the Middle Resolution crowd in Richmond Virginia this week.

The audience was asked to think about how, under President Barack Obama, the government determined which sex can use which bathroom “and that boys could shower with girls if they felt they were a girl.”



  1. The first time someone told me I could not say Merry Christmas that it is Happy Holidays I thought it was a joke. I could not believe it when everyone was using Happy Holidays just to be PC.

    1. First time I heard it I remember thinking...whatever. I have much more important crap to worry about.
      Drama queen.


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