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Monday, April 23, 2018

Breaking News: Nine people were killed and 16 injured when a man driving a van plowed down pedestrians on a Toronto street. "Pure carnage," an official said.

The driver was taken into custody after a dramatic confrontation with the police that was captured on video. “Shoot me in the head,” he yelled before he was detained.

It was one of the worst mass killings in the modern history of Canada.


  1. What does Tredeau (NWO puppet) say now? Are cars to be banned as well?

    Damn liberals.

  2. In Salisbury this would be investigated as what? Running a red light? Inattentive driving?

  3. Assault van. Weapon of war. Citizens don't need them. No one should have anything more than a Smart Car. Walking out of work at 9am tomorrow to protest, then I'll set myself on fire. Who's with me?!?!?!

  4. Alek Minassian is the driver, and guess what religion he belongs to?

  5. The driver’s actions, they said, appeared intentional, but did not seem to have been an act of terrorism. “The city is safe,” said the Toronto police chief, Mark Saunders.

    The driver, who was identified as Alek Minassian, 25

    I knew it, a damn Muslim terrorist. Why do authorities always try to cover up the fact that these muslims are killing non-muslims. Why the Hell do they keep protecting these monsters.

    The Toronto police chief even tried to pass off the firs name as "Alex" not the muslim name "Alek."

  6. Should have shot him where he stood AND in the head!


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