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Monday, March 05, 2018

Trump Warns "It's Time For Change" In The Countries Responsible For America's Trade Deficit

Update: President Trump is showing absolutely zero signs of backing away from his trade tariffs plan and has just tweeted...

"We are on the losing side of almost all trade deals. Our friends and enemies have taken advantage of the U.S. for many years. Our Steel and Aluminum industries are dead. "

Which as the chart below shows is true. Trump has a warning...

"Sorry, it’s time for a change! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!"
We are on the losing side of almost all trade deals. Our friends and enemies have taken advantage of the U.S. for many years. Our Steel and Aluminum industries are dead. Sorry, it’s time for a change! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
*  *  *

"It's not the economy, it's China stupid!"


  1. Congress, law makers and representatives for decades have purposely made bad deals and bad trade agreements because they personally got rich from back room deals. Hold each of them accountable so it never happens in the future.

  2. Mr. Trump is no fool.
    He knows it is far too late to bring back American industry.
    The infrastructure and skills no longer exist.

    The US economy is toast. Put a fork in it.
    The government is bankrupt and the US Dollar is worthless fiat paper.
    Everybody (except Americans) know it.
    The Empire will fall completely very soon and it will all be blamed on Mr. Trump.

    what a shame.


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