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Monday, March 05, 2018

Racially Charged Rant Results in Punishment for Air Force NCO

Nellis Air Force Base officials say they've removed a noncommissioned officer from her supervisory role after she made racially insensitive comments about her subordinates in a Facebook video that went viral on social media last month.

"In accordance with the Uniform Code of Military Justice, Geraldine Lovely was held accountable for her actions," Maj. Christina Sukach, 99th Air Base Wing spokeswoman, told Military.com on Wednesday. Sukach clarified on Thursday that Lovely had been removed from her position as a supervisor of other airmen.

Sukach, who withheld details of Lovely's rank in her initial statement, said that while specifics of the case cannot be released, "99th Air Base Wing leadership is satisfied with the outcome."

"A military member's administrative record is protected by the Privacy Act of 1974," Sukach said. "These cases are not tried in social media but handled through the fair and due process afforded to military members under public law and regulations."

She added, "Nellis Air Force Base leadership emphasizes that any activity which disparages anyone because of their race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation will not be tolerated. Service members are responsible for their own actions, to include social media. Our airmen are too valuable, and our mission is too complex and perilous, to accept anything less than the tenets of our core values: integrity, service before self, and excellence in all we do.



  1. Lovely is not lovely!

  2. Can't speak truth in the military, as soon as you join you agree to support and defend the constitution but you give up all your constitutional rights until you get out.

  3. Best wishes to the lady. Hopefully one day get away from thin skinned whiners.

  4. What idiot thinks its ok or professional, especially in the military, to go on social media with a rant instead of addressing the issue as you should face to face?

  5. Going on social media about anything that you should be discussing in private is an idiot's choice.

  6. It's the truth and it will set you free!

  7. Anonymous said...
    Can't speak truth in the military, as soon as you join you agree to support and defend the constitution but you give up all your constitutional rights until you get out.
    March 5, 2018 at 12:46 PM

    Well, I'm not sure you give up ALL of one's rights while being in the military but you are correct in a sense. You certainly cannot speak your mind in most cases and the military has their own "justice" system. My brother served 20 years and now that he's out, we can't shut him up. lol

  8. I watched the video where she said all this stuff that got her in trouble. I can totally understand where she is coming from and her frustration. But bad move on her part to make a video, especially while in uniform. They just cannot do that and not expect some type of repercussion.

    You can call me racist too if you like, but facts are facts. I know not all "black females" whether in the military or not, fit that description but enough do to cast a shadow over the rest.

    She probably blew her next promotion and might have set into motion an early discharge.


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