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Monday, March 05, 2018

Mike Huckabee booted off CMA Foundation Board -- Conservatives need not apply

Former Arkansas Gov. and GOP presidential contender Mike Huckabee – long an advocate for music and the arts – was forced to resign from the Country Music Association Foundation Board Thursday, less than a day after being appointed, because of backlash against his conservative views.

Country music, once an inclusive industry that welcomed conservatives and people of faith, has now become an exclusive, politically correct group, indistinguishable from the rest of the entertainment industry.

The message country music fans received this week is that if you share Huckabee’s conservative political views there’s no room for you in country music.

The Country Music Association Foundation encourages kids to pursue music by helping students get involved in music programs and providing access to instruments. Huckabee used to showcase country music stars on his Fox News Channel show and play bass guitar with the stars he featured. He credits music for giving him confidence as a kid and for a lot of success in life.

You have to wonder what threatens these people so much about conservative values that it would elicit such hatred and intolerance toward someone who simply has a different opinion. All Huckabee did was get elected to the foundation, and the next day he was bullied into resigning, without having said a word.

In fact, in his resignation letter he said: “All of us have deep passions about our beliefs. I do about mine. But I hate no one. I wish upon NO ONE the loss of life or livelihood because that person sees things differently than me.”

"How can we hope to tackle the issue of bullying in our schools when adults won’t stop bullying each other? We’ve reached the point where some people are offended about getting offended and so bully the other side into silence. We have to stop this insanity."



  1. How do these Communists infiltrate every aspect of American life without a whistle blower ?

  2. 12:53 - Because we have slept in and missed the battle. We have caved for every ridiculous leftest battle once we let them have abortion. They are everywhere and never get called out like they should. If we speak up we get tarred and feathered. I am guilty for throwing in the towel at times, just because I am almost always out numbered and tired of fighting. And, that is here on the Eastern Shore. I visit relatives off the shore and I am the only conservative. Very tiring!!

  3. Shame on the CMA

  4. I have no problem boycotting country music and I was country before country was cool. As for the communist local and abroad...there are military tribunals forming everywhere, accountability for domestic enemies is coming soon.

  5. 1253 and 410
    "WE" didn't do anything.
    The Communists (generational globalist banking families) have the ability (permission) to print money out of thin air.
    It was governments who were bought and paid for going back to 1913.
    There were huge consequences for what happened in 1913 and we are paying a very heavy price now.

    Read: The Creature from Jekyll Island


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