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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Shooting at Great Mills High School in Maryland, school confirms

Great Mills High School in Maryland was on lockdown after a shooting on Tuesday morning, school officials confirmed.

The incident was contained and the St. Mary's Sheriff's Office was on the scene, the school said on its website. Maryland State Police also told Fox News they were responding to the incident. Agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms were also heading to the scene.

The Sheriff's Office warned parents to not "respond to the school" but instead go to Leonardtown High School, where students will be transported.

NBC Washington reported multiple injuries, but that was not immediately confirmed by authorities.



  1. Bump stock? They're the real problem you know.

  2. Add that to the attack by student to teacher at WiMiddle today. Prayers for all.

    1. Fake news. It was students fighting.

  3. This country needs retired military and Wounded Warriors to protect the schools and students.

  4. Looks like that student walk out last week really worked.

  5. @9:58 there was just a fight involving 5 students minimum where police were involved at Wi Middle too. Out of hand!

    1. Fight and guns are 2 different things Einstein.

  6. God Bless the resource officer who ran toward and stopped the shooter by shooting him and getting him down!

  7. Let's make Maryland safe by taking gun rights from citizens with no criminal or mental issues in their background! The new laws about to be passed would have really stopped this!!

  8. Goes to show that the strict maryland gun laws do nothing except keep law abiding citizens without protection. More proof that a trained armed citizen can keep a dbag from killing or wounding a lot of our loved ones. Train and arms more people. It works...Its proven....time and time again. Or you could just ask all the criminals to turn their guns in

  9. The shooter was shot dead by the hero deputy that ran over to the gunfire and stopped him!
    Remember this folks, a armed deputy stopped this before it got worse. He could have waited for backup, and went to a "Staging area", or he could have hide behind his patrol car, or he could have ignored it like the FBI, but nope, he killed the creep!
    God Bless Him! Guns save Lives!

  10. Cant be true guns arn't allowed in schools. Time to ignore the truth and blame the NRA.

  11. Joe
    Please do a story on how NYC mayor deblasio just took away the armed SRO guess he wants kids killed to push there NRA Agenda ?

  12. 1127
    Are you implying a good person (with a gun) stopped a bad person (with a gun)?

    I guess that is possible.

    But I'm pretty sure all guns are bad (even the ones' carried by good people).

  13. "stopped this before it got worse" before it got worse being the keyword. Maybe when it's your children you'll change your tune to "stop this before it happens again"

    1. How do you stop it. This i want to here

  14. When will these thugs stop?

  15. A simple resolution is spend money on security other than just manpower.

    1) have entrance check points with metal detectors manned
    2) When classes begins have all outside doors secured from outside
    3) install cameras in all areas
    4) install electronic doors
    5) install panic buttons in all areas including classrooms that would secure all outer doors and all doors in each section of the buildings for containment

    As one school district stated the cost was $40,000 per school. That is a cheaper solution than having 1-3 Resource Officers present.
    Politicians only wants to address gun control which does not lead to school safety. Politiions do not even want to address mental health issues with school safety or public safety

  16. "Cameron said police were investigating if the shots fired killed Rollins or if he attempted to commit suicide. Police are also investigating if the 14-year-old male student was shot by Rollins or Gaskill while the two exchanged gunfire." Fox news

  17. It will be interesting to find out who shot the 14 yo male. I hope it was not the SRO. If it was, just goes to show that even with extensive training an active shooter situation is no place from amateurs (teachers) to play LEO.

  18. With Cross state carry laws that Harris voted for guns can infiltrate even the strictest state laws


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