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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Homeschooling: The Best Hope for America's Future

A 7-year-old in second grade came home and said, "Mom, Dad, guess what! Our teacher read us the funniest book. It was so silly. It was about a prince who was getting married, but he didn't marry a princess. He married a prince! Isn't that so silly, Mom?" The book read to the confused child to introduce 7-year-olds to same-sex "marriage" is King and King by Linda de Haan.

Without parental knowledge or consent, 5-year-old Jacob, entering kindergarten, came home with a "diversity bookbag." Inside was a book introducing kindergartners to same-sex households, celebrating Clifford and her dad's "partner," Henry – selling homosexuality to 5-year-olds disguised as diversity. The book is Who's in a Family by Robert Skutch.

Folks, if my public school arrogantly usurped such authority when I was a kid, my stocky little-over-five-foot black mom would have been outraged. She'd march to my school and angrily confront the principal: "Who do you people think you are? How dare you take such liberty with my nine months?"

Please correct me if I am wrong. But all I see is parents passively allowing leftists to mold and shape students into their image. God commanded parents: "Train up a child in the way he should go, even when he is old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6). Where is the outrage over government usurping authority to dictate the morals, principles, and values instilled in your child, overruling God-ordained parental authority?



  1. Seems odd that this post shows up at the same time we learn that the Austin bomber was homeschooled.

  2. The Texas bomber was HomeSchooled

  3. don't forget he was WHITE!

  4. So, let me see if I have this right.

    Same sex couples/marriages are protected under the law the same as interracial couples are right?

    When I went to school I remember learning about different family types... single parent, mixed race... etc. This kind of education has been going on for over 40 years. It's not new.

    I get it, your religion says your God doesn't like gays. That means you don't be gay. Teach your kids what your religion says. But don't try to force feed the rest of the world your brand of religion.

    You have the burden to prove that there is something immoral or wrong about same sex families/couples. Saying it's against your religion is not an argument. As of now there is no other persuasive argument. There just isn't.

    So lets stop pretending this is some sort of weird aberration or abnormality. Gays exist, they are not causing the destruction of anything.

  5. If that is the best hope then there is no hope.

  6. Still need public schools. The social activity that transpires over 12 years of grade school remains important. That AND the proper funding from state gov't (HAHAAHAHHAAHAHAAHA we wish) would make our schools better in the future.

    Sad that priorities are elsewhere. Home school, nah.

    1. Public schooling and social activity is a waste of time for some. On line schooling is the way to go if your child is structured (wants to learn) vice prom/homecoming.

  7. Higher percentage of home schooled kids end up freaks.

  8. Higher percentage of home schooled kids end up freaks.

    1. Can you document your bold comment

  9. I've yet to meet a parent who homeschools I'd trust to teach calculus or physics. Don't think the average stay-at-home mom can pull that off. Want to raise a generation of thoroughly mediocre intellects? Home schooling!

    1. Many very intelligent kids can teach themselves calculus and physics. Don't need their hands held. Your statement about mediocre intellects shows your ignorance of the issue.

    2. You should educate yourself. There are many programs online that provide a teacher. Some even have live interaction. Collages seek out Homeschoolers. Just call some of the Collages and ask them. I'm sure there are kids out here not being properly taught, but don't group them all together. Maybe do so some research before you judge. Homeschoolers are not taught only by their Mom.

  10. Beats Forced Busing , so Whites can keep from sending their
    kids to schools they don't Like !!!! Solved !!!

  11. He was not White he was Hispanic.

  12. If he was home schooled why are they interviewing his high school friends ?

  13. I have yet to meet a homeschooled physician or lawyer.

  14. Whites who are too Poor to send their kids to Private
    schools costing $6000.00 + a year will have to Home school

    to keep their kids Safe & out of bad public schools !!!!!

  15. I hope 9:21 is not homeschooling her offspring in hopes of them going to "collage".


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