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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Abortionist: I Cut the Vocal Cord So The Baby Can't Scream

Dr. Leah Torres, an OB/GYN in Salt Lake City, Utah, said that when she performs certain abortions she cuts the vocal cord of the baby so "there's really no opportunity" for the child to scream.

She also described herself as a "uterus ripper outer" because she performs hysterectomies.

Torres made her disturbing comments on Twitter on March 11, in response to a question.

As the tweets show, @ZarbaNotZorba asked Torres about the aborted babies: "Do you hear their heartbeats when you lay down at night? Do you hear their screams?"

Torres replied, "No. You know fetuses can't scream, right? I transect the cord 1st so there's really no opportunity, if they're even far enough along to have a larynx."



  1. Meh. You ask a loaded and snarky question, expect to get a snarky smart reply.

    Lets be honest, this topic is one that will never be solved, or agreed on, and it is decisively used to divide and conquer and control and polarize, and to drum up votes.

    Lets put things like this on the back burner, and focus on where there is common ground and what we can actually accomplish?

    1. Let's unpack the actual post first..Do you think that is appropriate response from a board certified dr. On social media? How many kids read her response? How many patients (young women) read her response? How much heartache did it cause? How many Additional questions women in post op are having after reading it? Do you agree not responding would have been better? Let's be honest!!

  2. What a sick sick sick woman I hope she suffers the same fate.

  3. 9:14am in other words, compromise on the sanctity of human life. Let me make it clear for you, abortion is murder. No compromise ever! That's what is wrong with society is no one values life. People value animal's life over humans.

  4. And this is why ALL democrats are garbage. When you align yourself with a party that approves of this then you are a POS. And don't any democrat ever lie again and say they are Christian because you are a fool if you think you can be both. Democrats are sick sick people who deserve nothing but bad things to ever happen to them. If every single democrat were suddenly to disappear the country would be the best it's ever been. Democrat have never and will never contribute anything good to society. They are horrid people who have no good value.

  5. as a former marine it never fails to startle me how much more obscene some females can be! Truly evil no wonder satan focused on eve in the garden. he knew what she was capable of!

  6. Man.
    Wait til she stands before God and has THAT read back to her.


  7. How nice another satan worshipper tells us she enjoys killing unborn souls. Takes pleasure in being snarky..oh well its not up to me but They have a special place in hell for her kind.

  8. How nice another satan worshipper tells us she enjoys killing unborn souls. Takes pleasure in being snarky..oh well its not up to me but They have a special place in hell for her kind.

  9. How do abortionists justify what they do? Do they talk to their kids about how their day went at dinner? Yeah, I had a great day today. Killed 17 babies before lunch then went and played 9 holes in the afternoon. I can't even imagine.

  10. @10:39 am, and really most everyone here too

    You make the point for us. You make assertions as if they are facts, that will not be agreed upon by people of the differing opinion.

    Now, you are polarized on one issue... and anyone who can hang this issue with any other idea can smuggle in just about whatever they want... all the while keeping you distracted with this issue.

    This one issue now gums up the entire works and nothing gets done. That's the point.

    How about this? Don't agree with abortion, then don't have one?

    Recognize that per your world view these aborted fetuses get a one way trip straight to heaven, right? No opportunity to mess it up.... and hey, God has a plan, no changing that... these abortions MUST by default be by design.

    So get over it, can we please just move on to something we can solve?

    1. HELL FIRE on your indifference, 1:55.


  11. What an evil woman and baby killing technician. Must have crossed her fingers when reciting the Hippocratic Oath.

  12. Absolutely disgusting, immoral, ...and wrong. We discard human life so easily. If we kill with abortions, there are crickets. If killed with an AR-15, everyone loses their minds. Unless there is a chance of the mother dying from childbirth just stop with the abortions. If you don't want kids, don't have sex, or use prevention. Want do you think will happen if you have unprotected sex?

  13. @1:55

    Wow, the best you can do is threats of retribution and torture and pain?

    And not even real torture and pain, but fantasy land stuff... might as well have threatened a magical pox on me or something.

    How about next time we stick to substance, not just threats. I'm willing to change my mind, but you have to at least try with good, well formed, reasoned, persuasive argument.

    Threats of imaginary (and may I add not all Christians actually agree that Hell or Hell fire is a thing) torture is not a very effective way to change someones mind. I don't accept your claims of a God, so threats of your God's hell are equally as un-scary and unconvincing.

  14. @12:36 superstardebater

    You also prove the point. You make assertions as if they were facts. Someone who disagrees with you will say that abortion is not murder, it's a medical procedure. Neither one of you will ever agree.

    You've also made the mistake of muddying the waters by introducing other topics that have nothing to do with this one. It only serves to distract.

    We need to get past this polarizing issue, and move on to things we can actually accomplish.

    As I said before, it's not that difficult. Don't agree with abortion, then don't have one?

    Recognize that per your world view these aborted fetuses get a one way trip straight to heaven, right? No opportunity to mess it up.... and hey, God has a plan, no changing that... these abortions MUST by default be by design.

    1. Your asking people to change your mind and not cast judgement but at the same time your making fun of what they believe in! The post is clearly about the Doctors comment on social media. It was disgusting and inappropriate and should be looked into by the hospital! What is YOUR opinion of her COMMENT. Please in just a few sentences not a short story. Thank you.

  15. ....8:48....pseudo-intellectualism mixed with equal parts inferior intellect and passive-aggressive arrogance on subjects he THINKS he understands, but quite obviously doesn't, i.e., "God has a plan..."
    EVERY subject he addresses turns into veiled and/or open insults to Christians and faith.

    How about "if you don't like Christians, don't be one and leave the world alone (since neither will ever agree on another position, as you said)??
    You know, so we can get on to other things?? (your words)
    Your intellect is DEFINITELY inferior (also your words), as is your reasoning.
    After you and your boyfriend finish your home-baked cookies, why don't you and him go out for some fun?? Maybe burn some bibles. There might even be a cute little boy you could snatch off the street.
    Stay anonymous, too.

  16. @ 3:42 Imclain

    Nothing would make me happier than to leave Christians alone... but you see... the funny thing is, that they constantly keep shoving their religion into places it doesn't belong.

    Stop trying to legislate your religion, and I'd be happy to leave you alone.

    Freedom of religion means YOU get to practice it, not shove it down everyone's throat.

    And, as par for your course, more strawmen and ad hominem attacks.. don't you ever get tired of being SO simple and predictable Imclain?


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