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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Report: McCabe Says 'If I Go Down I'm Taking Everybody Else With Me'

May explain why Clinton and Obama cronies leveled blistering attacks on Trump over firing

Recently fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe said if he faces criminal prosecution, he’s going to take down everyone else involved in FBI and DoJ wrongdoing related to the Hillary Clinton email probe with him, according to reporter Sarah Carter.

“McCabe is worried. And one thing that I did hear is that McCabe has said over and over again, ‘If I go down, I’m taking everybody else with me,'” Carter said on “The Ingraham Angle” on Friday.



  1. Awesome! Now McCabe will be helping drain the swamp that is the FBI, IRS, CIA, and all the rest of the alphabets!

    (I believe that's one of Donald J. Trump's campaign promises!)

    I couldn't be happier!

  2. Great !!! Take down Comey / Lynch & more Hillary & Obama
    co-conspirators !!!! Clapper too & More !! Love it

  3. I hope he does. But he'll probably be found deceased somewhere having committed suicide.

  4. That statement itself speaks volumes he knows who the guilty parties are let's hear it

  5. Eating their own... could this get any better? I sure hope so!

  6. John Brennan I hope you're shaking in your Snowflake boots

  7. 7:30, you are absolutely right. Informants or snitches have a history of dying before their time.

  8. Watch your back McCabe...they don't take kindly to people like you...

  9. I want Eric Holder and Susan rice on PRISON TICK TOCK

  10. Funny, that's what Killary said after her interview with Matt Lauer. lmao.

  11. Bet the Clintons take care of him the way they always do.

  12. Please take down ERIC HOLDER.

  13. He looks like a Nerd from the FBI Herd !!!

    Make shure he gets Hillary esp !!!!

  14. Please DO > Take them ALL with you !!! Be my Guest
    Make my Day !!!!

  15. Good going McCabe. We need a good flush, and I'm not talking cards!

  16. Can't wait to hear what comes out of his mouth. This is why they are so scared of President Trump for. That he will find out what they have been doing in the government and they will be prosecuted for it instead of apologizing and resigning and then just leaving. Time for them all to go down. I hope the IRS is next for hiding information about illegals using fake Social Security numbers. Stealing identities.


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