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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Breaking News: Mark Zuckerberg broke his silence on the Cambridge Analytica scandal. He acknowledged mistakes by Facebook and pledged "to protect your data."

The statement was the first time that Mr. Zuckerberg has spoken out since The New York Times reported that Cambridge Analytica, a political consulting firm that provided voter-targeting services to Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign, improperly obtained data on 50 million Facebook users.


  1. Riiiiiiiight. This dude is in cahoots with big brother.

  2. Everybody is sorry once they get caught!! Too late!

  3. EVERYONE needs to shut down the FB Account you're being brainwashed esp snowflake liberals.

  4. I read the statement. He minimized Facebook's role and flat out lied about how all this came about. Typical liberal.

  5. Believe that I'll tell you another...

  6. facebook what a joke, social media is your downfall!

  7. Direct instant message quote from Zuckerberg in early FaceBook history:

    "They trust me - dumb fucks".

    What would you expect?

  8. A liberal jackass that needs to be regulated.

  9. What will we do without pictures of food people have made and their letting us know what they are watching on TV? FB certainly made those folks think they are special! Who will validate them if FB goes away?

  10. If you are stupid enough to advertise your personal life to the world, you deserve what occurred.

  11. Yearly suicides due to cyber-bullying: 4,000.
    Yearly deaths due to assault rifles: 17.

    If you care about kid's lives, ban social media. Zuckerburg is far more lethal to kids than the NRA.

  12. The same Cambridge Analytica that Trump used you shorebilly idiots

    1. President Donald Trump. I love the way that sounds.

  13. 7:06 I thought republicans stood for less regulation not more. Confused?


  14. FB is an information vampire. Proceed with caution!

  15. 4:53-I agree,whether he knew it or not.

  16. 8:23 troll,
    Glad you're wasting your time with us.

    As for Zuck, I know how to protect my facebook data; I deleted my account.

  17. When I retired from the NSA we really did not think much about the public use of the internet or any marketing potential. It was clunky to say the least. Big terminals with black screens and green text. You had to know how to read. Plopping your dial up phone on a modem. There were bulletin boards and text based forums. Mostly for smart people engineers and tech geeks. No photos or videos then. Email for only those in the know and how. Then technology made it possible to dumb it down to the level of TV and rope every idiot in and make them believe it's a public forum and right of expression. Those of us invited to Beta Test not only MySpace and eventually Facebook knew that it had Madison Ave. advertising potential just like dying print media. You toss a newspaper in the trash...............but now we know exactly what you read what your buying habits are and your political leanings are and you have all embraced it like it's and old democratic Party Line on the phone and radio.
    Get off line and do something REAL with your lives. It's a trap that goes no where. Before cell phones there was CB.........it all amounts to the same thing.......no more liberating or smart as you are. Like guns computer owners should have a license.


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