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Sunday, March 25, 2018

Accident at Food Lion Parking lot Tilghman Rd


  1. Trying to get to liquor store

  2. "You took MY spot!

  3. That took some serious talent

  4. How in the H-e-double toothpicks !!! Ray

  5. Hmmmmm and there is a handicapped tag hanging from the trucks mirror....

  6. Wrong damn pedal....gas on the right brake on the left!!!!

  7. The junkie old truck will loose. Sorry Bubba.

  8. Doesn't look like a valid tag. (Need to enlarge to see)


  9. "Junkie old truck??"

    NICE old F-150. Maybe 89 or 90, maybe Eddie Bauer. I'd love to have it.
    I'd bet the other vehicles got a lot more damage than that 'junkie old truck'.

    Hope the old guy is OK.

  10. Can someone be cited for a traffic violation on private property. I had someone hit and run my vehicle in such a parking lot and the police said it was not their concern.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hmmmmm and there is a handicapped tag hanging from the trucks mirror....

    March 19, 2018 at 6:38 PM

    And? So? He also has a ball on his bumper. lol

    Regardless, it looks to me like the pickup tried to squeeze through instead of backing up. lol. I hope I'm wrong.

  12. I am not certain but the truck looks like the one a nice lady drives. She lost her husband a few years back. I didn't know them, but had seen them around for years. Therefore I won't pay any attention to the simple comments above. I feel sorry for the driver and hope everyone is okay.

  13. awww...hope all is well and there was no health condition that caused him/her to have the accident. But I LOVE the pic-m-up truck! Love old farm trucks.

  14. Drive much? Did this person have a valid driver license? Must be a friend of Hillary's she can't talk,or walk and how's her driving?

  15. Wish people could follow the simple rule. If you can't say anything nice,don't say anything at all. How would you feel if you were one of the parties involved?

  16. 10:49...I am glad a school teacher said that back when I was in the 8th grade. I have tried to go by it, but admit I've failed on occasion.


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