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Monday, March 05, 2018

NGO: China Using ‘Predictive Policing’ to Put Thousands in Communist ‘Education’ Camps

The NGO Human Rights Watch revealed this week that China is using data compilation technology to enact “predictive policing” measures resulting in the arrest and disappearance of Chinese citizens to “political education camps” based on the potential that they may someday defy the government.

The individuals in question do not face any criminal charges; instead, HRW states, their government profiles indicate that they are likely to engage in anti-communist activity in the future.

The data analysis system that compiles the relevant information – the “Integrated Joint Operations Platform” (IJOP) – has allegedly gone live in Xinjiang, China’s westernmost province, home to the nation’s ethnic Uighur minority. The Uighurs are predominantly Muslim and culturally distinct from the nation’s Han minority, facing significant discrimination from the government and pressure to learn Mandarin and integrate with the Han.



  1. There's zero connection to Xi getting his Presidential term extended, and this. Mere coincidence, I'm sure, Comrades.

  2. only the 2nd amendment keeps this from happening in the USA. if the liberals had their way all the conservatives would be rounded up and sent to re-education camps.

  3. Exactly what Democrats want to do to Americans.

  4. 12:55 you are spot on! keep your powder dry.

  5. Crimestop they call it in newspeak.

  6. Second Amendment is all I can say.

  7. This is coming very soon to the USA

  8. 7:33 it’s been here for 30 years. Look at the American education system. It’s a disgusting liberal utopia void of any meaningful learning.
    Anything goes. Similarly, America has fallen to 3rd world status in educational testing and ranking. Exactly what the Communist Obamanistas want.

  9. This is what it will be like here in America some day !!!

  10. Our Govt is just as bad , communism in Disguise !!!

    People beware !!!


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