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Monday, March 05, 2018

Navarro: Media Reaction to Steel and Aluminum Tariffs a ‘Bunch of Horse-Puckey’

Peter Navarro, director of the White House National Trade Council, defended President Donald Trump’s announcement of steel and aluminum tariffs on Thursday.

“We can’t really have a country without a solid steel industry and without a solid aluminum industry, and right now, those industries are under siege,” Navarro said in an interview on Breitbart News Saturday with Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle on SiriusXM Patriot 125.

Navarro decried the “hair on fire” reaction from cable news and the press, calling it the “biggest bunch of horse-puckey that you can imagine.”

He said that the ten percent tariff on aluminum would only raise the cost of a six-pack of beer by about a cent-and-a-half and would only raise the construction cost of a $330 million Boeing 777 Dreamliner by about $25,000.

“There’s virtually no downstream effects, despite what the pundits might be saying on TV, and it’s all good for the aluminum industry,” he said.



  1. Give me a break, wait until the retaliatory actions from other countries.

  2. I'm sure he has plenty of alternative facts to support his statment.

  3. Could somebody please explain this to 1:20pm and to paul ryan.

  4. 1:20 crawl back under your rock..we have been bent over on trade since Nafta and that sucking sound that went south. This will be a revival of those industries here in the USA and Steel and alumi will be cheaper. The reason why the high pitched screams of the leftards is due to the swamp rats being smashed and their evil plans thwarted

  5. 120
    Exactly - as in China.

  6. What is it called when the money supply tightens, interest rates jump up and the cost of goods increase rapidly but your earns are basically the same?


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