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Sunday, February 04, 2018



  1. $1000 might seem like crumbs for somebody who spends $300 for a haircut and $200 for lunch.

  2. she is a total biotch

  3. One U G L Y person, inside and out.

  4. At first, I was thought she was exhibiting classic stroke symptoms.

    Just think...she is on the designated survivor short list. Scary, huh?
    Maybe they want to look into the background of the trash truck driver.

  5. I didn't think it was crumbs in her teeth because she would have gotten them out. But, she did this the whole time. Maybe sucking the booze out of her gums? Anyway she was gross and still is.

  6. Total embarrassment to the DNC and best motivational tool for the GOP.

  7. She always looks like a prune crumbs or not, pure evil, Hillary supporter to the end.

  8. OH, the DEVIL is a Female !!!!

  9. Wonder were she hides her Private server ??

  10. Just how much spackle is required to fill in all the cracks and wrinkles in that 80 year old face?

  11. Looks like she is Learning to keep her Smart mouth SHUT !!

  12. Prosecute her for those Jet plane excursions she made using
    taxpayer $$$ , Not authorized ....Don't forget that !!!

    Make her Pay all that $$$ back like Munchkin had to do !!!

  13. Fantastic idea 11:50. She was running a round trip each day from one end of this country to the other on our hard earned money. It cost most of us a nice piece of change just to drive to and from work. I forget what it cost for one trip back then, but it was a very large amount, not crumbs.

  14. Having a new worth in excess of $100 million I would think she could afford a set of dentures that fit. Just sayin'.

  15. Nancy quit while you are ahead. The Democrats don't Love you. They just want your donors money. You could still have a good life. Take your grandchildren shopping. Explain to them you are rich and teach them to do the same, not like the Kennedy. And teach them never to say that is just crumbs. Nancy Pelosi' legacy.

  16. How do these crooked politicians Amass millions on their
    Govt Salary ?? Good Question !!
    Maybe it should be looked into .........


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