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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Here Are Some of the Most Shocking Times Democrats Refused to Applaud During Trump's SOTU Address

With many of them clad in black, the Democrats who did show up to President Trump’s first State of the Union address Tuesday night were not happy about it. In fact, they seemed so focused on opposing everything he said they couldn’t even bring themselves to applaud things that are normally considered bipartisan.

They set the tone for their behavior that evening right away, by refusing to stand to greet Trump and many even first lady Melania Trump.

The resistance continued, with most Democrats also refusing to applaud:

- job creation

- higher wages

- lower African American and Hispanic unemployment rates

- bonuses for employees

- securing the border

- fighting the opioid epidemic

- merit-based immigration

- the American flag and the national anthem

- in God we trust

- a path to citizenship

- Recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

- diminishing the Islamic State

- lower prescription drug costs

- defense and modernizing our nuclear arsenal


  1. Pelosi & Shumer looked like two Demons from Hell !!!

  2. I hope they make a commercial of this for the Super Bowl, or just before the mid-terms.

  3. I'm not shocked, only disappointed.

  4. But they keep getting voted in, by voters that are dead or not citizens.

  5. Kick them ALL Out of Congress .....Deadbeats !!!

  6. They are as Bad as the Football players !!

  7. All because they want amnesty for illegals and open borders,hope they all get voted out in Nov.

  8. Pelosi's makeup crew had a serious task ahead of them before this speech.

  9. They don't give a Damn about DACA , they just are on a
    Witch Hunt every week for some Diversion to Blame Trump for
    and Tie him up from getting anything done.....Fact !!!

    Next week what is it then ??? Never ends

  10. After watching the democrats disrespect for everything last night it was very easy to understand why they chose the jackass as their national symbol

  11. They don’t care about anything but money, power and votes!

  12. Election year and the Dem's they have it won. HA, keep wearing all black like going to your own funeral. You looked foolish on TV!

  13. I hope you people that vote dumbocrat are proud of your America hating racist, morally bankrupt party

  14. I hope all of you remember all of the demoncrats in Maryland when it is time to vote again. It is past time for Md to get in line with the rest of the country and elect people who will do great things for this country and the state. please stop continuing to let demoncrats ruin this country and this state. How bad does it have to get before your eyes are opened?

  15. The Democrat caucus has lost their collective minds over Trump's Presidency. Like someone diagnosed with a terminal illness, the first stage is denial. They can't get past the first stage....but they will have to if they are to ever accept the truth. It is actually quite sad for our country to see elected leaders behaving like children.

  16. Cancel their Superbowl !!!


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