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Sunday, February 04, 2018



  1. Show us your papers !

    Voting is a STATE matter.
    We vote locally.
    The Federal Government has no business getting into our voting regulations.
    Each State can decide how the matter is handled.

    Resist Federal Government infringement upon State Government sovereignty.
    Suggestion to maintain freedom.

    1. How do we no wether or not illegal aliens are voting in OUR democracy?

  2. Answer to question: Because dumbocrats CANNOT win elections legitimately, they need to cheat to win.

  3. Democrats will never support an accountability concerning voter ID. They encourage voter fraud and illegal voters. They know they will lose support by 65%. Democrats will never support transparency. These are facts. Look at Obama and Clintons actions. We are finding out about their transparency.LOL

  4. 5:09

    Spoken like a true dumbocrat libtard

  5. It is very strange. Board an airplane? Photo ID please. Drive a car? Photo ID sir. Vote for President? No ID needed. Move along!

  6. Actually any form of sanctioned ID other than a license and Passport would be helpful. Identity theft and ever growing security concerns are far greater than voter fraud.

  7. Go back in your hole 5:09. No ID no vote, no booze, no cigerettes, no drive, no welfare, no checks cashed,

  8. 5:09-
    This is a problem that is affecting federal elections (Presidential), so I would have to disagree with your argument. There are lots of states that are simply not dealing with their voter fraud. IMO, there is no good reason to be against this, unless you're a Democrat that doesn't care how they get votes & specialize in fraud.

  9. I totally agree with 5:09 in that voting IS a State matter and it is important it stay that way.

    However, I am very much for each voter having a valid voter ID that has expiration dates or cross state databases that adequately prevent voters from owning more than one card at a time, like a driver's license.

  10. You need ID to buy booze, smokes, see an R-rated movie, get on a plane, cash a check...etc...but NOT to vote...Hmmmmm.....

  11. Voting is a STATE matter and voting is a NATIONAL matter.
    We vote both locally and nationally. When illegal aliens vote, dead people vote, etc., then the Federal Government should by all means be involved. Only a crook or a Democrat would have a problem with this.

  12. Ha Ha. Imclain not signing his name. 5:09 - We know who you are!

  13. I vote all the time in mexico as an undocumented citizen. Often I riot in the streets and destroy property to fight Mexican political parties I don't like. Totally normal for American to do that and safe. Ha!

  14. 5:09 Fed govt should be involved in federal elections process. It's only the liberals who don't want voters to prove their citizenship to be eligible to vote.

    "CNN host Jake Tapper said Trump did not 'understand' how offensive it was to Democrats for him to state that 'Americans are DREAMers, too.'” Democrats have lost it!

  15. You guys aren’t smart enough to recognize the government tyranny.

    5:09 has it right.

    You guys would also fall for Brer’ Rabbit’s assertion: don’t throw me in that briar patch!


  16. 5:09 is correct and the rest of you are naive or simply ignorant of sound government practices. You are being lied to by the media and government everyday.

    Wake up!

    We used to live in a Constitutionsl Republic.
    NOT a democracy (majority rules).
    Educate your selves!


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