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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Petition: Allow SNAP benefits for pet food

An online petition asks for a U.S. food assistance program to help pets.

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits can’t be used to buy pet food, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, but people want that changed.

People have shown support through more than 87,000 electronic signatures on an online petition.

“Some argue that people should not keep pets if they cannot afford them, but the fact is that an individual or family's financial status can change at any time,” part of the petition says. “Should someone be forced to give up a pet they've had for years just because they hit a financial rough patch?”



  1. WTH? If you can't afford to buy your food, you shouldn't have pet's.

  2. No, No, No - all wrong. I like pets, but really, if you can't afford to feed yourself let alone a pet, why aren't you smart enough to not have a pet until you can afford one.

  3. Crazy cat ladies around the nation will be thrilled!

  4. Surely, you can't be serious.
    Yes I am ... and stop calling me Shirley.

  5. They will be adopting animals to get more money and not feed the pets. They get money to feed children, but expect schools to feed and raise their keds. When is the working force going to put a foot down. I am comfortable (making ends meet), but bet I could go fill out paperwork falsely and get money fraudulently. Not my style though.

  6. You allready can. Just buy them chicken and rice.

  7. I would not be opposed to short term assistance for someone who genuinely hit a rough patch. This could be handled through pet charities helping to support responsible pet owners that need assistance. SNAP is already abused enough.

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Hell no. Tell them if they want to add their pets to the welfare tit they have to sell their $1000 cell phones and pay for it themselves.

  10. NO!
    Should be more WIC-like...a list of things that can be purchased...limited to healthy and non-luxury (crabs, lobster, steak, restaurant) items!

  11. Hell I was in the old giant is Salisbury and someone tried to by dog food and when they Tod them they could not they went and got 25 lbs of ground beef!!! I’m not kidding !!!

  12. Bet those pit bulls enjoy ground beef 10:50.

  13. Why Not ? Hell they get Lobster & Booze !! & More

  14. Obama SNAP allows anything incl Obama Care !!!

  15. I can see it now. All 50 thousand chickens in the house are pets! So are the herds of goats, cows and sheep that we have. All pets. Where is my SNAP?

  16. Next will be federal funded free vet care for pets when those of us who are responsible and know we can afford vet care, day care/boarding etc don't get pets. I understand if you living situation changes then you should find an alternative for your pets such as a close relative or friend otherwise current him/her for adoption..

  17. A lot of "animals"have already been getting cards. They just might look human.

  18. Give them an inch, they take a mile!

    First all of us who work for a living, decided to feed those who choose not to work.
    Now, they want us to feed their pets?

    This is an outrage.
    Feed your own pet.

  19. snap card holders usually buy canned tuna for their animals

  20. This is asinine. How would you prove the person even has a pet or isn't just getting the food to resell on craigslist or at flea markets like a lot of them do.

  21. Illegals get a SNAP too along with other bennies !!

  22. White folks may even get SNAP !!

  23. F*** No! If Welfare mongers can't afford pet food then they don't need to own pets.

  24. Now I don't know that I agree with a no. Some people are struggling and have a very reasonable amount of critters I have 1 dog 1 cat, but I also have PTSD so my babies are more help than anyone knows. I think there should be a limit if they do this and you should provide your vetting information to prove they are yours.

  25. Only mentally challenged liberals can come up with something like this.

  26. what about my horse? since it's a comfort animal I need the government to step in and help me pay all his bills! otherwise I might melt!


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