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Sunday, February 04, 2018

This Nut Is Completely Full Of Sh!t

Bernie Sanders holds his own SOTU response livestream

Washington (CNN)Sen. Bernie Sanders, the independent senator from Vermont, held his own State of the Union response on Tuesday where he slammed President Donald Trump for being "compulsively dishonest" and creating a looming immigration "crisis" by ending the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Sanders' response, which sounded a lot like his stump speeches during his campaign for the Democratic nomination in the 2016 election, was broadcast live online late Tuesday.

Sanders slammed the Trump administration's tax cuts, border wall proposal and called the President a "bully" in his live stream, using the same term Rep. Joe Kennedy used in his official response to the State of the Union for the Democratic party.

"Trump talked about DACA and immigration (during his State of the Union address) but what he did not tell the American people is that he precipitated this crisis in September," Sanders said. "We need to seriously address the issue of immigration."

He also slammed Trump for not acknowledging Russia's interference in the 2016 election.

"How can this President not talk about the reality that Russia interfered in this election," he said, adding, "And, according to his CIA director, will likely interfere in the 2018 midterms we will be holding ... Unless you have a very special relationship with Mr. Putin."


  1. Has Been / Toast !!! Retire Now Please !!!

  2. Please Bernie keep showing your true colors so voters will vote you out.

  3. I just love it when Bernie goes off the deep end. One day, though, he just won't resurface.

  4. Old Has been !! Hillary has it in for him , he is
    Finished !!

  5. is his last name pelosi?

  6. Republicans only bring 50 votes to the table you need democrat votes also. Democrats keep applying republicans control everything therefore u don't need democrats and republicans still did a govt shut down.. People need to research laws and stop listening to these liars.

    1. Little hard to follow you're point.

    2. did you watch the video?

  7. The Koch brothers are out to get me


  8. My grandfather offered good advice. Bernie doesn't.

  9. Are Atlanta Falcons fans acting like this too? They blew a huge lead in 2017 to a team everyone hated, as well.
    But, then the team that beat them is doing well again this year, too.
    I don't see them going on every talk show and belittling the Patriots. They didn't blame FIFA or the NBA for interference and meddling in the Super Bowl.
    Nope. The blew it and they know it and didn't go out and write a book called "What Happened?" They KNOW what happened.

  10. What ever happened to Mrs."Bernie". She was supposed to be in big trouble about a loan for a college and the deal fail through but she kept the Mone. Now they have 3 homes.

  11. He is in the same basket with Hillary, and Pelosi thE "3 STOOGES".

  12. I listened to the whole thing and Bingo! Absolutely every point he made was completely false. 100%! And he made it sound as if it was true!

  13. I hope a Russian fighter plane buzzes him the next time he takes a trip.

    1. You Snowflakes are so vile. Most come from homes of abuse, you should get help.

  14. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 1, 2018 at 3:21 PM

    Did Bernie talk about his scam called Burlington University in his home state Vermont? Him & his wife scammed millions of dollars in that deal. In typical socialist fashion, do as I say, not as I do.

  15. how old is this nut?

  16. Crunchy, nutty, millionaire shell with a soft Red center.

  17. For relationships with Putin, look no farther than Hillary and Obama.

  18. I keep hearing those morons accuse Trump of Russian collusion, but I've yet to hear how. I never hear anything other than accusations with no specifics. I certainly am not Russian. I worked with a Russian server at Carrabba's, but that had nothing to do with anything, so I digress. I wish they would give specifics other that just crying racist and Russian influence. Shouldn't they be investigating the members of the Electoral College for going against the popular vote? I'll admit, other than passing my ninth grade civics test and picking up as much as my mediocre brain can absorb, I still can't figure out what evidence they have of Russian collusion. Would Trump be able to have a liable law suit after no evidence can be found? I would love to hear some non snarky comments, and nothing from !!Ray!!, Map, or anyone who uses more than two punctuation points at the end of their comments, regarding answers to these questions. Here's looking at a fantastic February! Hopefully, I will make as much on my IRA as in January, although the last 2 days SUCKED!

  19. I like Bernie even though we completely disagree. The reason why is because I think Bernie is sincere and truly believes all the Socialist crap he spews. I hate Hillary because she spouts the story as Bernie, but doesn't believe it and only uses it to pull at the heartstrings of overly empathetic people to push her true evil agenda. The only job I could respect Hillary Clinton in is professional poker because that is the only profession where I believe lying with your every breath is a skill.

  20. People say he's showing his true colors,but I'm not sure of that.He seems to believe this crap.I have a hard time feeling contempt for someone who means well,even if he is an idiot.

    1. That makes him stupid if he actually believes what he is saying. You can't feel sorry for stupid when it comes to politics.

  21. Anonymous said...
    I'm sure Trump can arrange that with his weekly Putin suck off
    February 1, 2018 at 7:23 PM

    well, you're a disgusting little demoncrat boy now aren't ya


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