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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Another Jim Ireton Fairy Tale

As The Stomach Turns

Jim Ireton has in fact dropped out of the Clerk of Court race. Some are already saying too many eyes are on the election machines. It may be one thing, (in the past) to fool voters while running against a Blogger but it's another when you are running against a credible candidate. History shows, if Ireton can't control an election he simply drops out, like he did with Jake Day and now the Clerk of Court position. When the election is credible, he loses in a very big way.

His run for Congress was a complete disaster. However, some are saying Jim has changed his mind and is now setting his sights on Carl Anderton's Delegate position and one person even said they heard he's considering running against County Executive Bob Culver. 

Jim was Liberal friends with Norm Conway and the Anderton story may be more credible. With the LGBTQ, (or whatever they're calling it today) environment one has to wonder, is our Eastern Shore shifting towards this Snowflake environment. It should also be noted, Norm Conway refused to step down before his time was coming to an end because he didn't want Jim Ireton appointed. 

It should also be noted, this would be the FOURTH position in the past two years Jim Ireton is running for a political position. That's one every six months. Maybe he enjoys the money he raises, I don't know. So much for truly representing the citizens of Salisbury in his district.


  1. Get outta the public trough.

  2. So, who was he running against? Not that we care...

  3. What a huge loss to the entire community. He was the only one in the City as tall as Mark Bowen. How will we cope after this huge loss?


  4. No surprise here. He saw the writing on the wall. (No, not the bathroom stall wall, the proverbial one.)

  5. More time to hang out with Jordan Gilmore and Chuck Cook.

  6. "Politics is the last refuge of the scoundrel"

  7. By his works you shall know him. His trees produce no fruit and his house is built on sand!!

  8. He won't challenge Anderton. There's too much work involved in the job.

  9. If Conway could not beat Anderton, how will this snowflake have a chance?

  10. Anonymous said...
    No surprise here. He saw the writing on the wall. (No, not the bathroom stall wall, the proverbial one.)

    February 1, 2018 at 9:57 AM

    Bwahahahahaha. Reminds me of the time he got caught on the beach in Rehoboth with his pants down and he ran from the cops. Busted.

  11. Anonymous said...
    More time to hang out with Jordan Gilmore and Chuck Cook.

    February 1, 2018 at 9:58 AM

    Who is Jordan Gilmore?

  12. On another note, Jim's treasure, Joshua Nordstom is running as a Democrat for Worcester County Commissioner in the Pocomoke District. Let's make sure he loses that race. No more Democrats on their County Council.

  13. Anonymous said...
    He won't challenge Anderton. There's too much work involved in the job.

    February 1, 2018 at 10:29 AM

    As much as the Democrat Carl Anderton sucks up to Chuck Cook, Jim Ireton and Jake Day I would love to see Jim run against Carl Anderton.

  14. Wait Jimbobo, what happened with the challenge in the 1st Congressional District? Dr. Harris too much for ya???

  15. Looks like the Blubber Blogger was reading your blog this morning. He happened to post the same thing just minutes after you did.

  16. The worst part of all this is that he still has people who support his warped efforts. He is a train wreck and even with his resume of ineptness and dishonesty he believes in his narcissistic mind he has something to offer. He is a fool, and a jack-ass and has absolutely no creditability.

  17. The 'Fairy Tale' title is really appropriate!

  18. County executive? Nah. Too much effort involved.

  19. No one would hire him for a real job.

  20. Somewhere along the line he though he had become a crusader for a cause, but, in the end, people who supported the cause found that he was only interested in himself.

  21. Jordan Gilmore is Jake Day's attorney. Local snowflake and pillow biter.

  22. It would be great if Jim got the democratic nod for county executive bid!
    Between Jim and Jack, running as an independent, that would make Bob a shoe-in for reelection!!!

  23. He would be a fool to run against Bob Culver there is no way he could run the county, look what he did to the city! He is just looking for a paycheck in politics. As far as Anderton goes if he did run against his buddy Carl that might just mess up their relationship meaning no more photo ops for Carl but then again Carl can always post another selfie with Heath or the Gov!

  24. 1:11 PM - Yes, but darker.

  25. Liarton and the blubber blogger should get together and start a business recycling condoms by hand.

  26. Just retire with your ill-earned teacher's pension and leave the rest of us alone, especially those who believed in your bull$41t. Everybody's been cutting you a major break for years, but it's time to take the big step off the gravy train.

  27. Anonymous said...
    Liarton and the blubber blogger should get together and start a business recycling condoms by hand.

    Ditto that, and they should relocate to Rehoboth Beach.

  28. Is his house up for sale yet?

  29. It should also be noted, this would be the FOURTH position in the past two years Jim Ireton is running for a political position.

    Well he still has a long way to go to catch Manure Boata who has 7 failed attempts at Salisbury City Council D2 x3, Congress x2, County Council at Large x1 and finally due to redistricting and leaving him a small district. Manure got elected with the help of leaders in the Republican Party who walked door to door with him. Seven damn attempts and then he gets elected to a low life city council position.

    Now he convinced Jack Heath to run against Bob Culver with the help of Marc Kilmer and John Cannon. Three RINO's working against the Republicans. They are the Local Establishment.

    Manure Boata is a die-hard Libertarian who switched to the Republican Party to get their help, support and financial funding.

    Marc Kilmer is a die-hard Libertarian who knows he can only get elected as a Republican so he switched parties and ran as a Republican.

    John Cannon is a RINO. Why he is registered withe the Republican Party I have no idea. Bob Cannon Jr and Daddy Bob Cannon and the entire family are long time Democrats, go figure. If anyone else can fill in the blanks please do.

  30. Anonymous said...
    Jordan Gilmore is Jake Day's attorney. Local snowflake and pillow biter.

    February 1, 2018 at 2:42 PM

    So Jake Day is a Bottom? I knew it! I knew that was his mole on Craigs List M4M.

  31. Anonymous said...
    He would be a fool to run against Bob Culver there is no way he could run the county, look what he did to the city! He is just looking for a paycheck in politics. As far as Anderton goes if he did run against his buddy Carl that might just mess up their relationship meaning no more photo ops for Carl but then again Carl can always post another selfie with Heath or the Gov!

    February 1, 2018 at 4:58 PM

    Yeah buddy. #MakingItHappen

  32. Well I hear Carl Anderton is trying to rile up Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury to fight for the the "Tax Differential" from the County.

    I have a better idea. Since they are hurting for money I say let Delmar, Fruitland and Salisbury give up their charter and let the county take over their towns. The county can run it better anyway.

  33. The Ireton record:

    Ran for City Council
    Ran away when he got scared like a big girl
    Slithered back into Salisbury when he wanted attention
    Fooled the voters again became Mayor
    Ran City of Salisbury into the ground
    Slept with the Press to get good press
    Ran away from running against Jake Day knowing he'd lose
    Settled for a dopey Council seat
    Announced the day he won that seat he'd run for congress
    Lost to a crazy loon who raised no money
    Lost his name recognition, boyfriend, tv time on WMDT
    Tired of being a teacher
    Declared for County Clerk
    Realized he'd lose AGAIN
    Pulled out (of the race)

    All the while I haven't even mentioned the other personal failings: repeatedly getting drunk in public, he and Ryan Hughes being seen flashing themselves in public restrooms. Goes on and on and on.

    *THIS* is why the public has tired of him. I read elsewhere it says Ireton is moving out of state to move with a new man. Who knows but honestly I wouldn't doubt he would want to set up shop in another state and run for a whole new set of offices there.

    His narcissistic self absorbed time is up in the da Bury.

    Bye bye snowflake!

  34. he was a horrible teacher, my child had him, and besides the fact that I saw him way too many times either poke a child or snatch one. I will never vote for him. Such a horrible man.


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