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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Ouch! Senator Chuck Grassley BLASTS Failed Attorney General Jeff Sessions

For months it’s been clear that AG Sessions is a total failure. He recused himself and then hired crook Rod Rosenstein as Asst AG who then created the crooked Mueller investigation. If this republic is to continue, Sessions must go!

The US cannot have multiple layers of laws. It’s impossible to have some individuals who do not have to abide by the same laws as the rest of the population. We also cannot stand for the corrupt FBI, DOJ and State Departments (amongst others) that are able to spy, lie and assault Americans for faulty crimes. Obama’s Administration was corrupt and dishonest at all levels and so it’s no surprise that the entire federal government is corrupt. These people must be swept out. It’s starts with AG Sessions!



  1. I agree, Sessions is responsible for this fake Russian Collusion BS. Trump should have immediately fired that clown.

  2. Me, and others, have been saying that since this elf took the position. Maybe worry a little less about pot, fake russian collusion bs, and actually follow up on credible tips of threats jeff? Too little too late now tho. But by God you will stop those evil pot smokers right?

  3. Trey Gowdy would be an excellent replacement!

  4. Anonymous said...
    Trey Gowdy would be an excellent replacement!
    February 17, 2018 at 7:33 AM

    except he is not interested

  5. Grassley is right. Sessions is a third rate attorney that got lucky. Is he loyal to Trump?? That question remains to be answered. I think not due to the fact when he recused himself all he had to do was take the fifth or NOT testify at all. That's his right because HE'S Muellars boss. Before its over he'll be in the reject bin with the rest of the Trump duds. Bob Aswell....Not Fooled


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