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Saturday, February 17, 2018

Comstock's Dem Challenger Raised Nearly Half Her $1 Million War Chest in California

Alison Friedman, a Democrat who moved to Northern Virginia last year to challenge Republican representative Barbara Comstock, received nearly half of her $1 million in donations from California, most of which came from the liberal strongholds of the Bay Area and Los Angeles, federal election recordsshow.

The campaign for control of Virginia's 10th district promises to be of the closest contests of 2018 as the two-term Comstock tries to hold onto the Northern Virginia district against a crowded field of 11 Democratic challengers, including Friedman.

The district voted for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump by a 10-point margin in 2016, 52 to 42 percent, but Comstock still managed to pull off a 6-point victory against the Democratic challenger in her own race that year.

Democrats are trying to make a repeat performance as difficult as possible for Comstock this year, attempting to capitalize on Democratic activism in the Trump era.


1 comment:

  1. I can't stand RINO Barbara Comstock, but we need to change residency requirements and who can donate to candidates.

    As far as residency I think you should be a resident of the state you would be representing for a minimum of 10 years.

    Donations no more than $250 per person or business.


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