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Monday, February 26, 2018

Nunes says Obama was in cahoots with Russia

'Who created this? It was the last administration'

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes is blaming former President Obama for being in cahoots with Russia for eight years and setting the stage for orchestrating a conspiracy theory of collusion between Moscow and Donald Trump during the 2016 election.

“We went through a whole European infrastructure consolidation process of military installations across Europe, abandoned a lot of abilities in the North Atlantic to track Russian subs,” Nunes said. “We actually had the president of the United States, who said on a hot mic to the prime minister of Russia at the time, ‘Just tell Vladimir to wait after the election.’ That was President Obama who said that. So who created this Russian threat? Who? It was the last administration that put us in this position.”

Nunes also turned up the pressure on the Democratic Party and the media in his point-by-point refutation of the recently released memo by the House Intelligence Committee minority.



  1. Hahahaha riiiiiight

    1. LOL. That's right.

    2. Look it up everything he said is research able. Why else would obama sell uranium to Russia? Obama litterly told Putin he would be working with him more after his second term.

  2. Yeah right, that makes perfect sense comrade.

  3. More smoke and mirrors.

  4. The gallows, the gallows...

  5. I like Nunes. He is a smart man. However I worry about him. I know he won't be run over by a bus but alot of suicides in Washington. God's speed Mr. Nunes

  6. Waste of time. Russians don't cave to queers or smokers!


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