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Monday, February 26, 2018

FL House Speaker Richard Corcoran: Suspend Broward Co Sheriff Scott Israel for Incompetence, Dereliction of Duty

Sunday, Florida Speaker of the House Richard Corcoran announced in a post on his Twitter account he was calling on Gov. Rick Scott (R-FL) to suspend Broward County, FL Sheriff Scott Israel for “incompetence and dereliction of duty.”

“Today I sent the following letter to @FLGovScott Asking that he suspend Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel for incompetence and dereliction of duty. I was honored to be joined by 73 Republican colleagues,” he wrote in the tweet.

Accompanying that tweet was a copy of the letter.



  1. It turns out the Obama administration was paying Broward County not to prosecute teen criminals so they would not have an arrest record. No wonder the Cruz kid passed his background check. If you don't believe me just google "Promise Program Broward County". This is disgusting!

  2. 3:31 You better watch out, that sounds highly conspiracy theorist'y and we don't want that now do we??? After all, we have been right 100% of the time...

    1. 4:09- Incorrect. Hindsight is 20/20. That's all you got. I didn't hear you predict this, because you didn't and you can't. Saying, "I told you so," is even worse than these idiots calling for a gun ban. At least they aren't claiming they predicted every thing under the sun, like your moronic statements.

  3. Anyone who describes their leadership as "amazing" is clearly an arrogant jerk. Not the right person to lead law enforcement if you can't be clear eyed about failings. A little humility would help too.

  4. Yep 3:31 and it's going on nationwide. More of the nothing but destruction obama caused and now the President has to fix it and he will. It was an obama/holder initiative aimed to reduce the "school to prison pipeline." If schools showed a reduction they got federal funds. It was all an illusion created by the lying ghetto filth hustler to make himself look good and the democrat voters being the most ignorant and dumbest things to walk for the face of the eath fell for it. Those involved were not changing any student behavior they were only cooking the books by not arresting students and ignoring crime. That's why the "sheriff" had to change from Republican to democrat. Republicans are not only intellectually superior to the democrats but they are morally superior and won't fall or tolerate the lies and illusions of the democrat politicians.

  5. This man stood up against the NRA. Now, he's paying for it. So unfortunate.

  6. He stood up AGAINST our freedom 6:33. NRA had nothing to do this Tragedy!!

  7. The sheriff is just another typcial democrat. Dumb as crap. He thought he was in safe territory with Tapper but Tapper eviscerated him yesterday. His stupidity prevented him from seeing that after his self serving tantrums, lies and playing the blame game at the Town Hall many people had gotten his number which is he's a liar, a loser in other words just another democrat politician.

  8. Clown Israel believes that people should get rid of semi auto rifles and trust the police to protect them. If anything his soiled department encourages people to buy more guns and they are the best advertisement for the NRA. I'm joining as soon as I finish this comment.

  9. Laura Ingraham is reporting that the Broward Co radio communications from the shooting are "missing." The sheriff is a democrat and we all know democrats aren't one bit honest, are lacking in morals and are void of any integrity. Remember the FBI lovebirds missing texts, hillary's missing billing records, missing emails etc.

  10. Anonymous said...
    This man stood up against the NRA. Now, he's paying for it. So unfortunate.
    February 26, 2018 at 6:33 PM

    Sorry, I don't really want to insult you, or anyone else but, that is just a STUPID statement.

  11. This so-called sheriff has stated LIONS don't care about the opinions of SHEEP.

    This person thinks he is a LION. Ha.

    And before this, he tried to make some kind of joke about O.J. Simpson while being interviewed by Jake Tapper. Thankfully Jake called him on it.

    This sheriff says he gave that deputy a badge, gun, and training. It wasn't the sheriff's responsibility the deputy didn't have the heart to go inside the school.

    Actually sheriff, YES it is your responsibility. The training you gave him did NOT work. And what about those other 3 deputies who "didn't have the heart"? Again you failed.

    The buck stops with YOU. Good or bad, YOU are responsible for EVERYTHING in your office.

    You are like Killary Klinton. You also are trying to blame everyone and everything except yourself. Where the true fault lies.

    That sheriff's office, deputies, even the sheriff himself, their actions (or inactions) are disgusting. You all failed those 17 DEAD students and others that were wounded.

    And now, you have police officers guarding that one deputies' house. Using personnel to protect one who wouldn't protect unarmed students and staff.

    You are right to protect that deputy. You are probably saving some parent(s) from getting an assault charge or something even more serious.

    There are so many failures on your part, your offices' part, your deputies part, it just boggles the mind.

    And even worse, you have company when it comes to failures. Even the F.B.I. shares some blame for their failures. We are told to say something if we see something. Some people saw something, said something, but NOTHING got done.

    Senseless. This should never have happened. Red flags galore. Tips galore. Action? Not a damn thing.

  12. 1 coward in a group of 50 or so officers (just a guess) is unfortunate. 4 cowards in that same group is a culture of cowardice. The culture is created by the head; that would be you Sherriff.


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