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Monday, February 26, 2018

President Trump: Arm Teachers, Staff and School Shootings Will End

President Trump used a Saturday morning tweet to emphasize his conviction that school shootings will end if we train and arm school teachers and staff.

Trump proposed arming teachers on February 21 and has reiterated the proposal every day since.

On the 21st he suggested arming “20 percent” of public school teachers, and on the 22nd hestressed that first responders are “5 to 8 minutes away,” but teachers can shoot sickos “immediately.”


  1. INSANITY. Ask a teacher

  2. We've tried "gun free" zones and see how that worked. Let 'em carry!

  3. A pea shooter to a gun fight. Thye are out armed. Teachers are to teach

    1. Somehow republicans know that teachers will make excellent shots, will have impeccable decision making skills during a time of crisis and in no way shape or form will a slip up allow a student access to a forearm on school property. /s

  4. Trump also said he would have ran into that Florida school even if he didn't have a weapon

  5. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 26, 2018 at 2:30 PM

    Good. Also considering the fact 99% of the mass shootings happened in these so called Gun Free Zones, its time to get rid of them and those dumb "politically correct" signs.

  6. Gun Free Zone = Free Killing Zone

  7. 2:09 First off-DON'T YOU DARE SPEAK FOR ALL TEACHERS DON'T YOU DARE DO YOU UNDERSTAND! Secondly the problem with you people is that you are low information. Now let me educate you. Teachers in some areas of this country have had guns in their classrooms for years. This is not some new idea. Since as far back as 2013 18 states (and many pre 2013) have opened the door for schools in their states to allow this and many counties and districts have taken the opportunity to arm teachers. That's the problem! You people talk out your butts about something you have no business even talking about because you don't know facts.

    1. You are low education? Sounds like you need some education bud

  8. "Anonymous said...

    Trump also said he would have ran into that Florida school even if he didn't have a weapon

    February 26, 2018 at 2:14 PM"

    2 coaches did and they died. Too bad the deputy whose job it was to protect the students failed. What do you expect from a democrat. To democrats children are disposable and anyone who denies this is lying.

    1. Weird how Democrats are the ones fighting to keep poor children insured and Republicans are the ones taking away any chance of health insurance they have..

    2. Wow, that's the most idiotic logic I've ever heard

    3. Republicans let the funding for Children's Health Insurance Program, which is essentially Medicare for kids, expire over two months ago. What's your answer for that?

  9. 2:10, ask everyone who's been shot with a .45 semi-auto pistol what a peashooter feels like.

    Oh, wait, you can't. THEY'RE DEAD!

    When the shooter opens your classroom door and comes in, I hope you and your class can hunker down in that corner and shout, "NOOOOO!!!!" loud enough to stop him.

  10. Hey where are those gun fights in the sky and all the planes that were supposed to fall out of the air after 911 and pilots started arming and air marshals were on flights? The dopey repeat the nonsense democrats said the same thing then. Many teachers with carry permits are bringing guns to non gun free zone schools all across the country and have been for years.

  11. It was great when the President slapped the democrat governor from Washington back down into the craphole from which the turd emerged. Governor Turd was showing off saying basically how teachers don't want to be armed blah blah blah. The President set either the lying governor or the ignorant one straight and told him the facts. The facts are a number of states have been arming teacher for awhile now. Back since before 2013 to be exact. The democrat voters the stupidest things walking the face of the earth think this proposal is something new the President dreamed up.

  12. its better than doing nothing!

  13. If the members of congress and other government workers are protected in their buildings, don't our kids deserve to be protected too? We've hardened many soft targets and leave our schools exposed. Democrats - please explain your logic that schools don't need guns for protection and all the grown-ups do!

    1. There are 435 members of Congress and over 90,000 elementary schools alone.

    2. Did schools need guns for protection after Sandy Hook or Columbine?

  14. Great give guns to people that struggle to unjam a stapler.

  15. 548pm not only a stapler, but then they accidently shoots my kid.

    Question - Who pays then?

    Smart @ss from the peanut gallery says: Well, if we didnt' give them guns in the first place, this would NOT have happened.

    Double edged sword no matter if you are RED or BLUE!


  16. Not every teacher will volunteer to carry. But many teachers own firearms and hunt (less in the city I suppose) so there is a base to grow from. Teachers are already in the building, and know the building layout. Even if they hunker in their classroom they can return fire if the room is breached; attacker won't know what lies behind each door. Exposes attacker to prospect of crossfire. Definitely worthwhile discussing as an option.

  17. 210
    The teachers would not be "out armed".
    The goal would be to "arm them".

    Can you read?


    Presently they are UNARMED. So a dude with a knife can have his way in a class room.

  18. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 26, 2018 at 9:46 PM

    Beware, Democrats are not as dumb as they appear. Their goal IS NOT Safety of Children. Their agenda is to disarm every citizen by any means necessary. They use tragedies such as this to advance their plan of more and more Gun Control which eventually leads into People Control. Teachers Beware and Do Not Fall into this trap! It should be individual teacher's choice to decide if he/she wants to be armed or not. Remember, if some punk starts shooting up the school, you could have firearm to protect yourself and the students, or you could just stand there with broomstick in hand. Very clear choice, IMHO. If some teacher is not comfortable with gun, give him/her the taser, still better than nothing.

  19. Most of you are onboard with the common sense approach of doing something to protect these people in a gun-free zone.

    And a couple of you, not so much. You just want to show your hate for Trump and sacrifice more lives to do so.

    YOU are disgusting, plain and simple.

    I'm not even going to get into it more. You jerks are starting to get me riled up and that's no good and not a feeling I want to have.

  20. If i were a teacher ---I'd sure as
    heck want to be armed. I have no faith
    in what others would do to protect.
    Just look at the ones in FL who were
    suppose to !!!


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