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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Nancy Pelosi wouldn’t stop talking about immigration

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has ended an eight-hour speech aimed at forcing a House vote on protections for young immigrants known as “Dreamers.”

The California Democrat took to the House floor at about 10:04 a.m. Eastern time Wednesday and yielded at 6:11 p.m. Caucus leaders are allowed to speak without limits under House rules.

Wearing 4-inch heels and forgoing any breaks, Pelosi read touching and personal letters from the young immigrants whose temporary protection from deportation is set to expire next month.



  1. Hey crazy lady. American's are DREAMERS too !!!Ray!!!

  2. So what drugs did she take to be able to speak coherently for 8 hours. Should of had her do a drug test immediately after.

  3. Go back to your country and get in line. Is that too much to ask for immigrants who want to come to this country legally and have filled out the paperwork in their country and are waiting. It is sort of like you going to the movies and you're waiting in line to get your ticket and all the sudden a group of people jump up in front of you with other people and cut you out of getting your ticket.


  4. If I jumped the fence at her Pacific Heights home in SF , would she call the cops or set another place at the dinner table ?

  5. she set a record for talking non stop in support of people who are violating U.S. laws. maybe next time she can set a record for talking non stop in support of decent, hard working ,law abiding citizens who don`t violate the laws? her 8 hour marathon of verbal diarrhea makes it perfectly clear who she works for, and it ain`t the American taxpayers.

  6. She is saying exactly what she is instructed to say.
    She has bosses, don't you know?

  7. what a babbling old fool

  8. Why is Nancy for illegals? Does she need them to clean her toilets? She certainly won't find any living in her neighborhood.

  9. If only she was that supportive of Americans, that she is SUPPOSED to represent.

  10. Maybe she can take her "crumbs" and pay the dreamers, she lives in a mansion and has bilked the system all these years she has been in office. Braindead if you ask anybody, no lights on, out to lunch with Captain Crunch, get it?

  11. She's a complete idiot. I get sick to my stomach every time I see her cosmetically altered face.


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