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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Newly-released Strzok-Page lovebird text messages: 'potus wants to know everything we're doing'

Tick, tick, tick… we’re getting closer and closer to the “What did the president know and when did he know it?” moment in the biggest political scandal in American history. What looks like a sitting president authorizing the use of the vast spy apparatus of the federal government on the opposing party candidate for president would, if proven, be far bigger than Watergate – a mere burglary intended to spy on the opposition. Pay attention because you may want to tell your children or grandchildren what it was like watching this all unfold in 2018.

Up until the present moment, Barack Obama has been missing in all the discussions of surveillance misbehavior. And most curiously, Obama has been almost invisible, staying quiet, and not using his expensive Washington, DC mansion (shared with Valeire Jarrett) as a base for leading the opposition to President Trump, as many of us expected him to do. He is the only president I can remember who didn’t get out of DC when his term in office expired, yet he has been as invisible as if he were Truman retired to Independence or Eisenhower retired to Gettysburg. He hasn’t even spoken out about the opposition to his presidential monument planned for public park land in Chicago, My optimistic guess is that he realizes his peril and is dummying up.

In a move calculated to infuriate the Democrats, the latest batch of text messages between senior FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page was leaked to Fox News first, and there are some striking revelations. Officially embargoed until 6 AM Eastern Time today, FNC was ready with the first item to reach the nation, followed minutes later by an AP dispatch, which headlined that the lovebirds admired James Comey. The Washington Post and other outlets saw fit to go with the innocuous emphasis. No kidding!



  1. This dead horse is not news or even relevant. We have a new President and new business to be on with and everyone is butt hurt obsessed with the last administration and Hillary who for Christ's sake lost and is totally irrelevant. At this point and we need to get on with things. Who cares about them ? They are down out and GONE. There is greater work to be done than even remember them at all. I am sick of yesterdays administrations and failures elect being news worthy or even remotely concerning to matters present. Who cares ? We have to get on with NOW. Servers, conspiracies, dossier's and collusion's these people no longer threaten your fragile intellect, morals or sensibilities. There are new forces at large. Get on board with it and roll with the future and forget them. We need to take the higher road whilst we are at the toll gate and actually change things. Otherwise this will be another hot air ridiculous pandering farce and will only happen to be conservative.

  2. Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law, he is a layer after all.


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