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Thursday, February 08, 2018

Senate Report: Obamacare and Medicaid Expansion Contributed to the Opioid Epidemic

The Senate Homeland Security Committee released a report in mid-January that received surprisingly little media attention despite its provocative assertion that Obamacare, and particularly its enormous expansion of Medicaid, is a driving force behind the opioid epidemic.

The case laid out by the report is straightforward, logical, and politically unspeakable. It’s anargument generally made in hushed tones until now, and it’s easy to see why. Even the Senate Homeland Security report was swiftly denounced as a “partisan fantasy” peddled by chairman Ron Johnson (R-WI) in what little mainstream media coverage it received. Thou shalt not speak ill of Medicaid.

And yet, the critics could find no way to refute the actual data in the report. They denounced it with thunderous virtue-signaling outrage, attacked those involved in preparing it, criticized arguments it did not make – such as pretending the report claims the opioid epidemic was caused by Medicaid expansion, rather than exacerbated by it – or simply assumed that all critiques of Medicaid and Obamacare must be partisan hit jobs, Q.E.D.


1 comment:

  1. Has anyone seen the TV commercial about people who get both Medicaid and Medicare. How is that possible? Our government has truly become corrupt stewards of our interests. Remember in the 2018 and 2020 election it is up to you to get up off your butts and continue to vote out the swamp. Only you can prevent forest fires and big government.


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