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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Maryland Official Plan to Sue Trump over Tax Reform

Maryland Attorney General Brian Frosh revealed on Thursday that he plans to sue President Donald Trump over the recently passed Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Frosh plans to join officials from New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to sue the federal government over the tax bill’s reduction on the state and local tax deduction (SALT). The state officials believe that the cap on the SALT deduction is unconstitutional.

Frosh, a Democrat, said in a press release, “By eliminating the SALT deductions, Trump’s tax bill will jack up taxes for more than half a million Marylanders,” Frosh, a Democrat, said in a news release. “It is an attack on state sovereignty and an attempt to cripple our ability to educate our kids, protect the Chesapeake Bay, and build the infrastructure that Maryland needs to be competitive in the world economy.”

Analysts believe that the legal challenge to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act will likely fail, pundits argue that the federal government has broad authority taxes on income.

Meanwhile, the economy continues to expand under President Trump.



  1. Are these people IDIOTS - Seriously, WHY are they voted in. Who in the hell would complain about this?

  2. Ha ha.... I bet Frosh will use his own money to pursue this lawsuit too.

    Maryland citizens are suckers!

  3. We really need to reel this jerk in. If he wants to continually sue Trump, he needs to resign as A G, and do it on his own time.

  4. Another Democrat looking to screw the hard working people out of their money. Thank you president Donald Trump for making America great again.

  5. so why hasn't hogan told this fool to stand down? so done with this rino gov> emailed him and let him know "wont be fooled again"!

  6. Recall election on this Jerk He is Screwing the Maryland People

  7. All of the above commenters obviously don't have enough money to owe over $10K in MD state, local and real estate tax. Therefore, they don't understand that losing those deduction raises taxes on those that owned properties with high taxes (expensive) and who are most likely republicans/business owners. Not many democrats with waterfront homes.

    All they care about is their $800-$1,000 savings which is not enough to change their lifestyle. They could save $3K per year by quitting smoking.

    1. Kinda like Obamacare right I'm to stupid to realize how great it is? Nah, I'm happy with my tax cut.

  8. I’m beginning to think hogan is actually a democrat.

  9. 327-87% of Maryland residents will either have lower taxes(71%), or pay the same(16%). Average savings of over $1700. The only ones complaining are liberals.

  10. 1700.00 isn't going to change your life, get you a new 70K pick up or buy you a house. That is about 141.00 per month.

    1. I would never pay 70k for a vehicle and I have never saved 141 dollars a month from a good tax cut it is ALWAYS TAX INCREASE. Thank you President Trump I'm happy and will vote for you AGAIN.

    2. More than you had before. Spend it wisely or save for a rainy day.

  11. This is why I just bought land in DE near the beach and will be out of here by the end of the year. Tired of this states liberal policies, RINO Governor, and a boy mayor using our City tax dollars as his play money. Even with the higher capital gains tax in DE I'll end up paying less overall and have a far better quality of life.

    1. Delaware has a democrat governor Delaware supported clinton, supports marijuana and sanctuary for illegals. Congrats you paid to much for property and will soon find out how much building permits cost near the beach.

    2. At least he is getting out. I'm doing the same.

  12. Hogan is a moderate. Which, in actuality, is at least halfway to being a Democrat.


  13. Our English language is dynamic and adaptable. Going forward I plan to just says idiots, fools and their ilk are just 'Full of Frosh' or are 'Froshheads'.

  14. MOM screwed MD. Hogan isn't much better. Started off strong and then went down hill after his cancer scare.

  15. Obama Crooked BastardoFebruary 3, 2018 at 11:55 PM

    Fire this idiot Frosh! For spending Maryland Taxpayers Funds and it will instantly Make Maryland Great Again!


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