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Sunday, February 04, 2018

ACLU Complains About Trump Using 'America' Over 80 Times in the State of the Union

According to the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the word "America" changes its meaning when it comes from President Donald Trump's lips. Trump used the word 82 times in his State of the Union address, and liberals hate Trump so much, they can't help but hate America — or so it seems.

"So tonight we saw President Trump wrap himself in the American flag," ACLU National Political Director Faiz Shakir said in a video statement right after the State of the Union. "He used the term ‘America’ 82 times in his speech. And when so many of us hear the word 'America,' it sounds exclusionary; we look at the policies of his first year in office, it has felt like there are certain people who are not included in that vision of America."

Shakir doubled down on this video statement by releasing an official statement on the ACLU website.

“Tonight, President Trump said the word ‘America’ more than 80 times in his speech. Yet, after a divisive first year, we hear and feel how exclusionary that ‘America’ is, with policies that have harmed so many vulnerable American communities," the director said. "The ACLU stands ready to protect these communities, both in the courts and at the polls."



  1. ACLU only protects Blacks !!!

  2. For a period of four years, every U.S. President can wrap the Flag (and the Constitution) around himself. It's one of the things that Obama failed to do for eight years.

  3. They need to take "American" out of their name, if they are so against America. Those lawyers look like fools when they say stuff like that.

  4. ACLU & NAACP should be Outlawed & Disbanded !!!

    Plus > throw out Affirmative action & Forced Busing !!!

    BET should be outlawed along with Blackish show since
    Whites can't have anything like it !!! Indians , Jews ,
    or any others either, Only Blacks !!! Discrimination !!!

  5. idiot!!!!
    snowflake crying the blues
    poor baby.
    Don't like America LEAVE PLEASE

  6. Unions are notoriously Democrat, so we shouldn't be surprised at this crap. This President loves his country & flag, so yes, he wraps himself in it. Unlike the former POS occupant who hates it & stomped on it every chance he got!

  7. I call bs. nobody in the African Criminal Liberties Union can count to 82.

  8. Anonymous said...
    I call bs. nobody in the African Criminal Liberties Union can count to 82.
    February 1, 2018 at 3:35 PM

    That's kinda funny in a racist sorta way. But untrue. There HAS to be one or two that can count that high.

  9. I live here in America and am a proud American. Your own name begins with "American". How is this some kind of problem with you?

    So absurd...

  10. Anonymous said...
    They need to take "American" out of their name, if they are so against America. Those lawyers look like fools when they say stuff like that.

    February 1, 2018 at 1:20 PM

    Are you so dumb that you can't see the reason why "those lawyers look like fools?" You think the name Faiz Shakir is an American name?

  11. They are and have been anti American. They use bully tatics to take our freedom's.

  12. Anonymous said...
    ACLU only protects Blacks !!!

    February 1, 2018 at 12:26 PM

    No Douche Bage, this guy complaining is a Muslim. What part of his name don't you understand? He is a Muslim who obviously hates America and you are right they protect blacks, but not ONLY blacks. They have Muslims in leadership positions to harass white America to make it easier to take over our country. They are smart enough to know that white Americans cave in easily.

  13. Anonymous said...
    For a period of four years, every U.S. President can wrap the Flag (and the Constitution) around himself. It's one of the things that Obama failed to do for eight years.

    February 1, 2018 at 12:41 PM

    Obama never even wore a flag pin until his2008 election when his advisors told him people were on to him to start wearing a flag pin on his lapel so to fool the dumbass Democrats and RINO's. It worked and helped him get re-elected. If you notice when they to interview him with his hatred for Trump he never has an American flag on his lapel again.

  14. Anonymous said...
    They need to take "American" out of their name, if they are so against America. Those lawyers look like fools when they say stuff like that.

    February 1, 2018 at 1:20 PM

    They use American in their title to let us know who they hate and who they will target.

    It's really the Muslim Civil Liberties Union, the MCLU. They no longer care about blacks unless they have converted to Islam and even then they look down on the people their ancestors sold into slavery.

  15. Anonymous said...
    ACLU & NAACP should be Outlawed & Disbanded !!!

    Plus > throw out Affirmative action & Forced Busing !!!

    BET should be outlawed along with Blackish show since
    Whites can't have anything like it !!! Indians , Jews ,
    or any others either, Only Blacks !!! Discrimination !!!

    February 1, 2018 at 1:31 PM

    BET, Black Entertainment Television is where Mad Maxine Waters held her anti-Trump SOTU.

    We've said it many times, if we had a White Entertainment Television network we would be immediately called racist and white supremacist and no one cares. The media would be all over it, but not defending it. Funny how blacks can never be racist and only whites are.

  16. Anonymous said...
    I call bs. nobody in the African Criminal Liberties Union can count to 82.

    February 1, 2018 at 3:35 PM

    It's now the Muslim and African Criminal Libertes Union.

  17. Imagine that, the duly elected President of the United States of America, saying America 82 times in a State of the Union speech about...America! Are his critics just plain delusional and crazy, or what. Trump's son explaination is right, his dad isn't crazy, he just makes other people crazy.

  18. The democrats say Russia more than that. Does this worthless outfit fuss about that.


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