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Sunday, February 04, 2018

Attorney General Frosh Announces Legal Challenge to Trump Administration’s Tax Bill

BALTIMORE, MD – Maryland Attorney General Brian E. Frosh today announced that the State of Maryland will file suit challenging the constitutionality of the Trump Administration’s tax bill, H.R. 1. Along with other states, Maryland will challenge the bill’s $10,000 federal cap on state and local property and income taxes deductions.

“By eliminating the SALT deductions, Trump’s tax bill will jack up taxes for more than half a million Marylanders,” said Attorney General Frosh. “It is an attack on state sovereignty and an attempt to cripple our ability to educate our kids, protect the Chesapeake Bay, and build the infrastructure that Maryland needs to be competitive in the world economy.”

Read more in the full press release:http://www.marylandattorneygeneral.gov/press/2018/020118a.pdf


  1. Frosh needs to go pound sand. He's b#!÷hing now about rising taxes!!?? So many times in the past taxes have gone up, crickets....

  2. That is about 8% of Marylanders. The same people that don't want to pay sick days to their employees.

  3. Why not cut small business taxes here instead of wasting tax dollars doing this BS?

  4. NO it's not President Trump tax bill that will jack up taxes for Marylanders. It is because of the democrat State House who have never seen a tax (or fee) they aren't in love with.

  5. No draft dodger frosh, it reveals that you and the state of md have been robbing tax paying citizens of MD by charging far more taxes {enslavement} than you should have been allowed to do, hidden by the supplement of the fed gov. How much of our education money are you spending with all these law suits against the Will of the American people?

  6. Hey Frosh there is a simple solution -Lower our taxes. They are too damn HIGH! The blue states like Md,Ny,Illinois,California etc have been stealing from the rest of the country for years .

  7. If you keep poking him with a stick do not be surprised when you get bit.

  8. Cuckold Frosh, quit wasting Maryland taxpayers $$$

  9. Frosh needs a new job as a Wal-Mart greeter.

  10. Perhaps the states should use their tax revenue more wisely. Not every child is going to grow up to be the next Einstein.

    As for the Chesapeake Bay Maryland's runoff is not the sole contributing factor yet we are the stewards charged with maintaining it. Every state in the watershed area should contribute to the ongoing issue.

    As for our long time crumbling infrastructure perhaps we should stop contacting to the lowest bidder and expecting the greatest output. You get what you pay for. We're paying for an astounding number of people who sit at home to collect money without lifting a finger. Why not make them earn that social stipend?

  11. Considering that you're doing a terrible job educating our kids, maybe your ability is already crippled, but with no one's assistance.

  12. Show us the numbers, Mr. Attorney General, the real ones.

  13. Dems complain that every tax bill favors the rich, top 1%. Here's a tax that only affects 8% of the people of Maryland, all pretty much well to do, and dems can't stand it. I make a decent living, and have a nice, modest property, and I pay no where near $10k in taxes. Frosh needs to go.

  14. However he is NOT concerned James Comey and the two lovers purposely with held information to obtain a warrant to wire tap American citizens for the sole reason they just didn't like Trump.

  15. Numbers? Heck, the IRS still hasn't done their numbers for next year. This will take time to figure out and in the meantime, why not file a lawsuit and WASTE more taxpayer dollars. This numbnut needs to take a flying leap! AND take Mosby with you too!

    Sorry Marilyn - we have NOT forgotten about you either!

  16. Frosh, you are helping no one so just exit left asap...

  17. This lawsuit is going nowhere.


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